Can't bring my self to watch FMA:Bro |
I enjoyed both... but honestly... FMA:B was infinitely better than the first FMA.
Why? Well where do I begin (
- Al was simply a plot device in FMA, whereas he was an actual contributing character in FMA:B. In FMA he never went on his own, and when he did, it was just to fuck up so Ed had to rescue him and/or clean up his mess.
- It actually made sense why the homunculi were loyal to Father in FMA:B... while it was never really adequately explained (and didn't really make sense) why they didn't all turn against Dante in FMA.
- FMA:B had a much bigger cast and used the side characters more. FMA didn't even have Ling for crying out loud!
- FMA:B 'got going' a lot quicker than FMA did. Pretty much all of FMA is skippable up until they find the 5th lab.
- Some key plot points to the FMA universe are mentioned in FMA but then go nowhere and/or are never elaborated upon ("The fabled city to the east", the war/standoff with Drachma, etc). These not only are gone into greater detail in FMA:B, but are crucial to the overall story.
- King Bradley was
infinitely more badass in FMA:B than he was in FMA. Like... he's one of the strongest presences and the single most intimidating and dangerous character in FMA:B ... and while he wasn't
bad in FMA.... his FMA version doesn't even hold a candle to his FMA:B version.
- FMA had a tremendously huge, almost show ruining plothole -- the only reason the homunculi were keeping the Elrics alive was because they needed someone who could perform alchemy to make the philosopher's stone, right? But they had Wrath... which they repeatedly demonstrated could use alchemy. Or hell...
Dante could have done it. So why didn't they just use one of them and kill the Elrics & Scar? It made
waaaay more sense why they kept the Elrics alive in FMA:B.
- In FMA, why in fucks sake would Pride keep his skull around? Let alone let his son have access to it? And speaking of FMA Pride... his fight with Mustang was lame, and Pride's death was so forced and didn't make any freaking sense at all.
- Speaking of forced deaths -- Wrath fuses himself into Sloth... for what? So the Elrics could kill her? Wtf kind of sense did that make? And why didn't he fuse back out once he saw what he was doing to her?
- In FMA.... Beyond the gate is "our world" in WWII era.. without any alchemy? Laaaaaame.
- And speaking of beyond the gate.... Ed goes beyond the gate into his counterpart's body... only to have that body immediately die so he can go back to his world? Laaaaaaaame.
- FMA's ending was lackluster. That + the beyond the gate crap (which felt so out of place and nonsensical), it was clear they only introduced all that to set up the movie.
- The movie fucking sucked.
To FMA's credit... the concept of the homunculi being born from failed human transmutations was pretty slick. And Sloth being the Elrics' mom was pretty much completely awesome.
Also... Archer in FMA was pretty cool, even if his motives were... questionable. He wasn't in FMA:B, unfortunately.
Anyway... if you liked FMA, you should really give FMA:B another go. It really is the superior show.
Seriously... King Bradley in FMA:B kicks
SO MUCH ASS. If you don't mind the spoilers, just watch this:
EDIT again:
Aw man... and the fight with Lust.... again, big time spoilers: