win 10 tp when win 10 comes out

What happens to windows 10 technical preview when windows 10 comes out? Will I get windows 10 for free?
I doubt you will get windows 10 for free and the preview is the beta version(or w.e version) so they can find bugs and stuff for it before releasing it.
Im just wondering because they said you would receive updates.
Probably to test if there are any bugs on the updates before releasing to the commercial version. Though it doesn't really matter anyways it is for testing bugs not for a free OS. It expires on 4/15/15 anyways.
Just noticed that is enterprise.

But found that the normal one expires on 4/15/15 also.

Technical Preview expires on April 15, 2015
If you’re running Technical Preview, we'll send you notifications beginning on April 1, 2015 to remind you that it’s time to upgrade your PC to a newer version.
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W10 should already be free for W8 users.
Anyways, no. Partecipating in a beta doesn't mean deserving the full product.
On the topic of windows 10, I've been using it as my main OS since about a week after it was launched. It is by far the most stable tech preview I've ever used, to the point where I can easily justify using it as my main.
EssGeEich: Can you confirm Windows 10 being free for windows 8 users? I've looked for confirmation before but have had no luck finding anything about it.
At the middle of the page there's another link.
It was voiced when it was still called W9 tho.
So, not an actual "yes, they will", but they talked about doing that.
Thanks, I had already read both of those stories. Neither of them really confirms it, at least not for the USA. I'll keep my ear/eyes out there though
Welp, it was running completely smoothly up until yesterday when it randomly decided to BSOD every 5 minutes. each time it's the USB drivers causing a segfault.
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