psychotropic medication

closed account (z0My6Up4)
Go back in time for a moment to the 1950s. The CIA were running 'Project MKUltra' a project in which they were trying to develop mind control methods. One of the experiments used was to spike bread with LSD (i.e. 'acid') and then give it to test subjects. Their behaviour under the influence of the drug would then be monitored and all of the results recorded.

Now in the present time there are a whole bunch of psychotropic medications which generally work by altering chemicals in the human brain. Big pharma is making a fortune by selling these drugs worldwide and interested agencies can at the same time - in the background - monitor the impact that these medications have on people. The parallels between this situation and project MKUltra are stunning. Only now the project has gone worldwide and people are taking these drugs willingly.

There is something going on here in plain sight.

I would like to know if you or anyone you know, has taken or currently takes psychotropic medication.
Yes, I take Adderall myself. Why do you ask?
closed account (z0My6Up4)
Yes, I take Adderall myself. Why do you ask?

Do you not worry about the effect these drugs may have on your brain's natural functioning?
The whole point of me taking it is for me to benefit from the effect that it has on my brains "natural" functioning. I have ADHD, I have spent upwards of a half hour not being able to find my shoes because I was wearing them. I have had trouble reading because I couldn't keep the context of a sentence in my head long enough to put it all together. These were extreme cases of my condition, it isn't that bad 99% of the time. But when those incidents do occur it causes an unbelievable amount of frustration. In fact I discovered I had ADHD because I was in a psychiatrists office being evaluated for some kind of SED condition.

This issue IMO is likely due to the number of concussions I had as a child; the brain doesn't repair itself but lucky for me the medication corrects for it.
closed account (z0My6Up4)
Ok, I understand that the medication helps you and that is the reason people take them. I also appreciate that this might be a sensitive subject for others who take these meds.

But what I am trying to explore is the bigger picture. There has been a sudden rise in the increase of psychotropic drugs very recently. People in the past lived without them - what has changed in society now that people have to take psychotropics?

What impact are these drugs having on people? For example, I read that all of the mass shootings that have occurred in the US have had one thing in common: all of the shooters were on psychotropics.
I think I see the problem here, you're being thrown off by an overly broad use of the term psychotropics. Most of them were being prescribed anti-psychotics because they were psychotic (cue music). This isn't really a surprise since normal people don't go around shooting up shopping malls and schools. What often gets omitted from those articles is that these episodes occur when they go off of their regimen or they stop seeing their doctors all together. There are often calls from their family to the police asking them to arrest these people but since they haven't done anything illegal yet, the cops can't do anything.

As for what has changed? There was an ass-hat of a reporter in the 80's 50's who wanted to win a shiny prize and some attention. Look into that, follow the time line from there and then tell me where this "mental health epidemic" suddenly came from.

By the way technically caffeine and alcohol are a psychotropics and you can't tell me that they are new to the world.
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closed account (z0My6Up4)
I am not sure what you mean. Why dont you say what you mean instead of beating around the bush
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There has been a sudden rise in the increase of psychotropic drugs very recently.
Wasn't there acid parties in the 80s?

I read that all of the mass shootings that have occurred in the US have had one thing in common: all of the shooters were on psychotropics.
Just like when they find an album in a car when someone commits suicide they will say "this album causes people to commit suicide." You shouldn't believe everything you read, news reporters often blame arbitrary things for an incident.
@ flint: How are you this new at rage baiting that you can't see a trap when it is set out in such a sloppy way? "Oh look! This guy posted something that suggests an ounce of emotional attachment! It can't possibly be a test to discern my intentions, 'cause I is too smarts for that. Let's poke at it in hopes of getting a reaction!" Lurk more or try harder.
closed account (z0My6Up4)
you have a giant chip on your shoulder and strike me as a dick. What do you know of my intentions? Oh excuse me you know everything don't you.
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you have a giant chip on your shoulder and strike me as a dick.

Both are undeniably valid facts and I don't try to hide either trait. I could be wrong. Cold reading, especially across the internet, is anything but exact. Do you see how that one point was sandwiched between two others though when it would have made more sense to end on that point? The fact that you latched onto that one blurb and essentially ignored the rest of my post is a bit of a red flag. My key point I guess is that the term "psychotropic" is too broad of a term to draw any causality from. Now if the article you read said they were all on some family of SSRI's then that would be worth looking into, but right now there isn't enough substance to lend any credence to.
closed account (z0My6Up4)
Congratulations you have steered this thread to the point that it is all about you and what you think and believe. Frankly, you seem to be full of your own self importance because you have 4184 posts to your name.

I don't care what your opinions are about my thread. You can keep it all to yourself.
And... another account bites the dust?

*edit not sure why so many people keep deleting their accounts over silly things in the lounge.
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I'm confused, what just happened here? I pointed out why I thought he might be rage baiting but then I went on to elaborate on my original point about psychotropic drugs. I sort of wanted to see the article he was talking about.
closed account (30X1hbRD)
@giblit, Most of the time it made some sense but this one made absolutely none to me.
meh... i never really liked flint (wasnt he the one to say NASA developed the cell phone or something like that? one of those conspiracy theory threads?). anyways... i have something valid to add:
Most of them were being prescribed anti-psychotics because they were psychotic (cue music)
I poppy pop ritz, it works and if I dont take it I will get hit by a car.
Should we rename the Lounge to the Rage Quit Room?
@ Disch: It seems to be getting to that point doesn't it?
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