Are you a visual thinker?

I am most definitely a visual thinker. I've never known the room numbers for my classes, but can always find them. I can rewatch movies in my head but my drawing/art skills are awful.

What about you guys?
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After each vehicle that I finish, I replay my exact actions in order down to each nut and bolt (sometimes hundreds of steps) and compare it to the factory procedures that by now I've memorized. The system has worked extremely well for me and the customers that trust in the company. I'd say this qualifies as a visual thinker.
I can't remember street names but I can remember exactly how many streets between each turn they are and if I need to turn left/right even if I only went to that place once. Kind of like drawing a map in my head of where to go.
I have to go through the path I take in my head step by step, so I generally am unaware of many spatial relationships. Sometimes I notice things are nearby each other and it blows my mind.
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I couldn't tell you, to be honest. I don't think I fit neatly into any of these categories, because any time I try to think about what kind of "thinker" I am, there's too much evidence for each category that I can't pick one.

For example, I have a great visual imagination and I remember images and faces quite clearly, but I have really poor spatial reasoning skills, probably as a result of my dyspraxia. I've always struggled with visual pattern recognition tests and especially those horrible 3D object rotation ones.

I also have a good memory for sounds -- I can usually replay songs in my head after hearing them once or twice -- but my music skills are equally lacking, mostly because of poor timing which is also a symptom of dyspraxia. But the vast majority of the time I use a combination of lots of words and a few images to reason about things.

Also, I sometimes think about things in purely abstract terms that I can't even describe with words. I usually "design" programs in my head in that way. I couldn't describe or draw the structure of the program, but I can program it. I'm not that good at it, though; I often find my designs lacking and I have to do a lot of restructuring.

The reason I still don't bother to plan is because I've found it easier to change my design on-the-fly while I'm programming, because I know from experience that I'm either going to make mistakes in the design phase or change my mind about something during the implementation phase.

I've had some assignments where we had to make a flowchart solving a certain problem (a recent one was controlling two sets of traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing) and then write an equivalent Arduino program, and each time I wrote the program first and the flowchart later.
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I'm like you, except for where the dyspraxia affects you. I'm good with rhythm/timing and I assume I'm decent at 3D rotations and such.

I'm curious though, how well do you think you would be able to play a game like 140?
I am. Definitely.
I remember phone numbers and PINs by the pattern of the keys I have to push.

That's actually bad, because the keypads on phones are upside down compared to the keypad on regular keyboards. And I can't easily reverse the pattern in my head.

It also helps at programming because I have a visual representation of the data in my head. Since I do a lot of low-level microcontroller programming I have to do many bit and byte shifting. So it's great to actually "see" the heap, the stack and the CPU registers changing.

Something like struct xy {unsigned int i; long l; char c[3]; char* p};
Translates in my head to:
(assuming an 8bit controller with 16bit address range)

Probably not very, and not least because I generally dislike platformers, puzzle games and rhythm games (although, as they go, it looks like an ok one).

It sounds dumb, but it never actually occurred to me to picture the bits changing. I used to have a really hard time understanding bit-shifting but if I had thought to try and picture it, it probably would have been a lot easier. Eventually I just sort of "got it" with practice.
Well, probably it is dumb. But I didn't train or practice this.
It just happened.

When you do a lot of interfacing and protocol translation stuff on 8bit RISC microcontrollers, bit operations are the most common thing you do. At the same time I looked at Hi/Lo patterns on oscilloscopes and logic analyzers for hours.

At some point my head just decided to "visualize" the patterns.
I meant me not thinking of it sounds dumb.
yup me visual, i need people to wave their hands around if im to understand somtings
Hand/body gestures do nothing for me, I've actually had to be taught what they mean and have to focus on paying attention to them.
One thing about my learning/thinking style is that I cannot multitask. For the most part I can focus on only one thing at a time. When I am thinking I cannot pay attention to anything else.

The result is that I seam sort of dumb in class when the teachers call on students to respond to questions, but it's just that my brain is just taking in the input and I am not switching over into processing mode.

This also has a big effect on how I do in tests. If a test has a lot of lengthy word problems, or if the teacher interrupts the class to correct something or explain something on the test, it severely disrupts me ( switching back and forth between listening and thinking ). Also if I am forced to do a lot rapid tedious work, it severely disrupts me.

This also means that I do not like studying with other people. They usually just end up being a huge distraction.
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