Bored? Temple OS might be for you.

So there's this toy OS out there that's 64 bit, non networked, Ring-0 only, single address space (identity mapped) multi-tasking, multi-core.

The CLI is C++ based, and the syntax is a little "meh" to me. But I had fun deleting and restoring files by directly manipulating the disk blocks. And writing a program accepts input, and changes the output of another program.

I figured some of you guys might get a kick out of playing with it.
Is this the one I heard about years ago written by a schizophrenic?
LB wrote:
Is this the one I heard about years ago written by a schizophrenic?

No, that one was called Windows Vista.
No, that one was called Windows Vista.


Also, Yes LB. I think it is. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on his website that he communicates with god through his random number generator. then again, I'm working on 5 hours of sleep over 3 days.

edit: But who cares? I'm doing things with this OS that my dad did 30 years ago on an Amiga. And that's cool to me.
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iHutch105 wrote:
No, that one was called Windows Vista.

No, the OS written by a schizophrenic, not the OS written by a company run by a schizophrenic.
There's no doubt that he's nuts, just listen to his videos. If the random and disturbing laughter isn't enough to convince you then check out his resume, this guy wrote the back end for Ticket Master.
This video makes me take it less and less serious.

In regards to learning programming..."This is a simple program. Good for beginners." =>

When I was a beginner I wouldn't have known how to do that.

This article is a little confusing as it seems like it is making fun of him and praising him at the same time.
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This OS keeps on resurfacing under various names, it's pretty weird. I think it was first LoseThos and then SparrowOS. Now this.

And yeah the guy's a paranoid schizophrenic, occasionally replaces the entire site with ramblings about the FBI investigating him.

Doesn't seem to have changed a jot in the couple of years I've been aware of it.
Actually, it was TempleOS when I first heard about it years ago.
Strange, maybe it's on a cycle? Or maybe it's been TempleOS for longer than I thought. But it was definitely LoseThos and SparrowOS at one point:

Both of these say "LoseThos/SparrowOS is now TempleOS".

You appear to be right. He first released it as LoseThos then SparrowOS and now TempleOS.

Doing WhoIS gives you:
LoseThos created 05/01/2006
SparrowOS created 09/27/2012
TempleOS created 03/15/2013

Apparently it was also called "Hoppy" and "The J Operating System" before TempleOS too from searches I've done so far.
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