So there's this toy OS out there that's 64 bit, non networked, Ring-0 only, single address space (identity mapped) multi-tasking, multi-core.
The CLI is C++ based, and the syntax is a little "meh" to me. But I had fun deleting and restoring files by directly manipulating the disk blocks. And writing a program accepts input, and changes the output of another program.
I figured some of you guys might get a kick out of playing with it.
Also, Yes LB. I think it is. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on his website that he communicates with god through his random number generator. then again, I'm working on 5 hours of sleep over 3 days.
edit: But who cares? I'm doing things with this OS that my dad did 30 years ago on an Amiga. And that's cool to me.
There's no doubt that he's nuts, just listen to his videos. If the random and disturbing laughter isn't enough to convince you then check out his resume, this guy wrote the back end for Ticket Master.