so if anyone remembers, im writing an irc bot. the source is getting pretty large, so i thought i would write a makefile. the only problem is, its getting quite big, so i turned to cmake to generate them. i have a good CMakeLists.txt file going, but i cant figure out how to do something. it links to sfml-system and sfml-network, but i cant figure out how to get cmake to look for those libraries. any help?
a) On linux it might be in /usr/share/SFML or /usr/local/share/SFML
b) Its a cmake variable, its already defined you just need to add your module directory
thanks! that worked great. just one last problem... ive tried googling it, but i cant find anything about this, and its generating lots of linker errors. so i have file foo.cpp and file bar.cpp (just an example). main.cpp uses both of those. how would i tell cmake to link to those? they are all in the same folder