Thanks so much LB your one of the people i remember on these forums
On the link you mentioned i tried all the books on beginners they all had a problem like a small compiler issue or me not understanding because they introduced something they didn't explain
If i do choose to learn from the internet
what sources would you recommend me and will i still be a good programmer if i learn from the internet
My take on it would be to get a good book that you can work with and use the forums for help. I find that internet resources don't go into the required detail and explanation needed.
What do you mean by this comment? Most programming languages involve a lot of math but the basics of them are nothing that a freshmen in high-school hasn't already learned or can't figure out. Do you mean that the programs the tutorials went over were too focused on math and so you lost interest? Or that you don't understand the kinds of math that were being used?
If you are coming from absolute beginner; Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup). However you do need to only work from it to start with, it does a few things to without explanation to get you going. You also need to read the entire chapter and do the drills (also easier if you use windows).
or C++ Primmer, not necessarily easy going at the start but worth sticking with.
You probably need to get used to your chosen development environment to get the most out of the learning experience.
Naturally, as you write more and more C++ code (preferably personal projects that you actually like working on, rather than homework) you'll bump into issues, and then you'll post in this forum for help, then learn.
If you want a book, I'd suggest Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, both volumes.
Yes, they are old books but they're still relevant (and they're free).
If I were you I would learn C++ from a reputable book and use the resources of this website as a supplement. Another valuable resource that has not been mentioned is usenet. There are several excellent C++ newsgroups that are dedicated to C++ . For example comp.lang.c++ is a great newsgroup where c++ experts will answer any query you might have - very quickly.