So... the chaff hits the wheat...
MiiNiPaa wrote: |
I was under impression that you are trying to understand why bublesort is so widespread in CS courses. |
Sorry I was rude to you. I was actually just venting. I do know why bubblesort is so widespread. I just posted without regard to the obvious "let's talk about bubblesort" baiting I gave.
I actually respect you and your knowledge of CS. Alas, my point was that people hang on to bubblesort irrationally, and when pressed, they (we?) always present the same (false) reasons that have been drilled into them.
I used to believe the nonsense too -- even when I was learning bubblesort and thinking to myself, "this is a crock".
Thank you for being patient with this cranky old man.
Lachlan Easton wrote: |
Well I have so much egg on my face you could hit me with a frying pan and call me an omelette. The two povusers links Duoas posted convinced me. I think you need to work on your argument skills Duoas, less rhetoric more examples and start earlier with the citations. |
Your strength of character continually impresses me.
I did not intend (nor appreciate the need) to prove my point -- I assumed (incorrectly) that many here on the forums would know enough about bubblesort to already be past having to decide whether to agree with me or not. Therefore, my efforts were less at teaching and more at idiotic reactionary "thanks for nothing" annoyance.
Computergeek01 wrote: |
but what does printing crap to the screen actually teach you about anything? |
A surprising amount, but for the purposes here it is an appropriate vehicle for handling nested loops.
Doesn't that strike you as an evaluation of their ability to recall and apply what they should already have learned? |
That is the dream of every instructor. (It is usually dashed pretty thoroughly as well -- instructors often have to hand-hold people through application of prior knowledge.)
First and second-semester professors don't have that luxury, though. They cannot assume students have any idea how to handle nested looping or what purposes it may serve. That is why they construct simple exercises that make their students think about and work out/struggle through the algorithm, such as printing stars and triangles to the console window. Their dream is that the exercise will stick with them enough that later courses may do just as you think: apply prior knowledge to the current learning objective.
It is not the instructors (or the curriculae) that are pants-on-retarded. They do it this way because most of their
students cannot absorb the information any faster. This is natural. (And those that can are very rarely able to only because they are super smart; they can because they have already been introduced to the concept in some way before.)
chrisname wrote: |
Why would anyone here know that? Do you really expect people to memorise each trivial factoid about yourself that you off-handedly mention in forgotten threads? |
As we have been posting here together for some years, yes, I do expect people such as yourself to remember some
basic facts about me. (Though not, as you pejoratively assert, every 'trivial factoid'.) Just as I know something about you from your posts.
This is basic social protocol, and you will find that people in any important strata will expect it.
Frankly, the recurring issue is that you are aggressively rude to me.
it's not that what you're saying is wrong but the way you say it with an air of assumed authority and haughty arrogance |
It's not arrogance or assumed authority -- it's plain old annoyance.
It is annoying when people make statements that present themselves as knowledgeable about something -- because they believe their own intelligence has given them a greater understanding of the subject than actual, good-ol'
education -- when those statements peg them as waay over their heads.
And then have the gall to be unrepentant about it.
I've done my share of being stupid, so I understand -- really, I do. And there's plenty of stuff I don't know squat about. But guess what? I don't go and start spouting off in threads about it like I know something. I keep my (figurative) trap shut, and let the thread be handled by those who (presumably) know what they are talking about.
So you might want to consider the mote in your own eye before you start taking me to task for my perceived narcissism.
The STL actually has a number of useful sorts or sorting subfunctions built-in, including (but not limited to) introsort (which takes the place of quicksort), mergesort, heapsort, and insertion sort.
std::sort() is introsort, or in old STL implementations, quicksort, and
std::stable_sort() is usually mergesort.)