Do you guys know any simple C++ trick that can be coded in 10 minutes? My friend asked me to show him "The Magic of Programming", I mean some cool tricks. I want to show him the awesomeness of programming. I'll have to code with the school computer and Dev C++ IDE. I don't think he's that patient so they should be done in 10 minutes.
Ask him: "What's your favourite game?"
He replies say "X".
Tell him: "'X' was made using programming. Programming is awesome because you get results like 'X'. You can make your computer do anything you want with programming, all your evil things!".
Simple as that :). Most people get like "Meh...that's so old school." when they see a console program however amazing you make it. And you can't create such an amazing program with all those shine and polish in just 10 take some time from him and create a game over a week and show him that.