All those Pascal cons are
LIES. Yep. (Except maybe the last one. That's individual opinion.)
RE: Real programmers don't use PASCAL.
First off, you can tell it's ancient Pascal hater crap to begin with because it's in ALL CAPS. NO ONE USES THAT ANYMORE. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO EVER DID WERE PEOPLE WHO PROGRAMMED IN BASIC OR FORTRAN.
Granted, old Pascal pretty-printers put all of the Pascal keywords in all-caps.
All of the arguments in papers like that are invalidated by modern Object Pascal.
RE: Slow
Pascal swims circles around every other language you can name, in terms of compile-time, run-time, and development-time.
RE: no java interfacing
Object Pascal is designed to natively interface with system stuff, including COM/OLE objects that Java exposes.
Google around "XE5 Java" and "JNA Delphi" for more.
RE: no eclipse plugin
There are a few
...but not many people use Eclipse when programming in Pascal
(Because the native IDE is superior.)
RE: Boring
I suppose. I think the language is cleaner than C and C++.
(Though it has gotten a bit weirder as late.)
As for
Ada... I've never had any desire to use it. (AFAIAC, it's a butchered Pascal, but that's my opinion. Obviously, I don't work for the government.)
If your make-it-or-break-it decision is on interfacing with Java, Ada might be the right choice for you... but I don't know for sure.