I would also suggest make the funding we provide for education more about the kids and less about the schools and teachers. Don't get me wrong I am not saying I hate teachers but we are already pouring a huge amount of money at our education problem and it isn't working. This isn't a problem of under funding education, we are dumping more money then basically any other developed country into education. We just aren't either A) spending it correctly or B) some other problem.
If you don't believe me take a look at the studies that have been done recently which shows the US spending more per student then mostly any other country and yet we rank pretty low internationally on education.
http://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator_cmd.asp (A bit dated)
http://www.oecd.org/edu/eag2013%20(eng)--FINAL%2020%20June%202013.pdf (162)
I believe the reason behind this is that instead of that money going to the kids (New lesson materials, more classes like music, technology, art, etc. mainly stuff that benefits them and their education) we are now more concerned it seems with that money going to the teachers and administrators of the schools.
Personally I find it completely insane that if you live in a certain area you must send your kid to a certain public school. If that school sucks well the only other option you have is to send your kid to a private school which aren't cheap and on top of that you will still have to pay for that public school your child doesn't use.
Instead of that stupid situation which is just encouraging laziness from school districts (Because a lot of parents have no other option then to send their kid to that district even if it sucks. So if that district does a bad job well doesn't matter they still will receive funding because most people have no choice) I would recommend something that gives parents more choice on which school they can send their children to.
I am no law maker so don't have any great ideas but maybe a system where instead of the money going to the school districts for each student they have, setup a school fund for each child which parents can use to pay for their child to attend whichever public school district they choose. This gives the kids options to escape bad school districts and gives school districts a reason to find the best teachers and give good courses and teaching.
Sorry about the rant that is sort of off topic but Luc Lieber asked what changes people would propose and I think this is something that needs to be address. Not being able to have a choice in which school you go to is just insane and a lot of people are locked into poor education because of it. I believe this is true for the whole US but it is for sure true in my home state.
For example in Minneapolis the capital of my state last time I checked 47% of students graduated on time. Are you kidding me 47%?!?! Yet that school district gets the majority of the funding provided by our state. Where is that money being spent? Obviously not wisely if they continue to have that low of graduation rates.
The sad thing is them kids have no other option then to go to that district because most that go to that district are not from wealthy families that can afford private schools. I guarantee them low graduation rates are not because those kids don't care about learning and don't want to graduate.
Anyways I will end here and sorry again for the rant ;p