So, I am working on a school website, and am making a thing for the library where you can search for books and their availability. Well, how would I do that exactly? Javascript I am assuming? If anybody could help I would appreciate it.
You can use anything you want really via CGI or some mechanism for server-side execution. At least, anything that can query a local database (which is a lot I would imagine).
Javascript is client side so it's probably not the best choice but you probably could if the database allowed remote querying (often not the case for security reasons).
You can make it in the following languages (AFAIK): Python, Ruby, Perl and PHP (among the common ones). There should be a MySQL or some other database of books and you should create the search interface using the language of your choice. In the back-end, the script will search the database for the books.
Thanks everyone. I didn't expect to get this many answers overnight... but still good. Anyway, I will probably learn some PHP for this. Doesn't seem like it will be easy though.