So I am sure everyone has heard about the Oculus Rift since it has been getting a lot of hype in the gaming circles and in the game development industry. But it seems like some of the big players are actually taking VR seriously now to with Sony's announcement at GDC 2014 that it is building a VR headset for the PS4 named "Project Morpheus" :).
Great news for anyone that is hoping that VR will take off and we will actually have some good VR products that the masses can afford.
EDIT: Forgot about the other VR news the new Oculus Rift was released today also.
[...] a VR headset for the PS4 named "Project Morpheus" :).
If I can lay back in a chair and enter the Matrix and then manipulate the world with the power of my mind, I would probably only leave my room to eat and excrete.
Sadly, all I am getting out of these "VR" devices is a peripheral. That's not VR, that's bringing the screen closer to your eyes. If I'm going to invest in any sort of VR, I expect actual control via mental capacity, which I know we can already do. We just have yet to combine the two.