Adoption by Homosexual Couples

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Mar 27, 2014 at 1:24pm
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Stephen Fry: The Importance of Unbelief
Mar 27, 2014 at 1:48pm
Nathan wrote:
Jesus wasn't forced.

I'm confused then. Maybe you can clarify my understanding.

I have heard repeatedly by numerous Christians that "Jesus died for our sins".

Now this can mean 1 of 2 things:

1) We are all sinners, and Jesus' death was a sort of "payment" to allow all of our sins to be forgiven. IE, he sacrificed himself so that we can all get into Heaven.


2) "Our sins" alludes to the sins of the Romans -- ie, the Romans were sinning when they crucified him, and therefore Jesus died because of it.

Since #2 doesn't really make much sense, I always thought it meant #1. Clearly Jesus died as a result of sin... but that sin wasn't yours or mine, it was the sin of the Romans. Surely you don't think you are responsible for something a completely different person who you probably aren't even related to did 2000 years ago.

So if #1 is the message here... why was this payment necessary at all? Why couldn't God forgive our sins without Jesus' death? What exactly did Jesus' death accomplish for us?

Note: I'm not asking this rhetorically, I'm genuinely interested.

Do you think if He was forced he would utter forgive?

Yes. I do. Jesus was very forgiving. He was very loving. It was his defining characteristic. It's why I like him so much.

Strange that I (an atheist) think more highly of his character than a devout Christian. =P
Mar 27, 2014 at 2:06pm
Traditionally in Hebrew culture, when a crime was committed with no clear culprit, a lamb or some other animal was taken outside the city and sacrificed. The guilt was transferred to the animal (by the act of saying so), thus justice was served. This is where the term "scapegoat" comes from. Jesus was interpreted to be analogous to a sacrificial lamb -- he's referred to several times as a lamb or some such -- and the crime in question was the original sin.
Now, this does leave one question, though: if Jesus was sacrificed because of that sin, how can anyone still go to Hell anymore? Some would say that you have to accept that he died so that you could be forgiven, but does that mean you have to accept that fact for each individual individual sacrificed animal since ancient times?

This still doesn't ask the question of why God sends his own son to be sacrificed to himself, so that he can forgive humanity. See also David's census, where God punishes the Hebrews with three days of deadly plague for doing something he asked them to do.
Maybe he's just a jerk like that.
Mar 27, 2014 at 2:22pm
See also David's census, where God punishes the Hebrews with three days of deadly plague for doing something he asked them to do.
Maybe he's just a jerk like that.

ahh big G himself using weapons even humans consider unfit for warfare. They were the good 'ol days of trolling.
Mar 27, 2014 at 2:22pm
closed account (iAk3T05o)
Jesus died for the sins of mankind. He didn't come to save any one person, He came to save us all. You believe in the existence of Jesus and like Jesus but not His teachings. He said if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. You believe in the existence of Jesus but not God? Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are the Holy Trinity. They are 3 in 1. How can you believe one exists and another doesn't. They are the same entity. Jesus taught it's only a fool that doesn't believe in God.
Atheism has no punishment for crimes? What a shame.
We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God but through Me, you can repent is the teaching of Jesus Christ but you believe in His existence but not the existence of what He teaches.
If you are not of God, you are of satan, Jesus taught this.
Jesus stands for everything in the bible, He begs you to repent so you shall not go to hell, He asks you to accept to accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour but for some reason, you are atheist, you believe in the existence of Jesus Christ, condemn, twist and rebuke everything He stands for but yet, you claim to like Him.
Is that how atheism works? Twisting and turning the words of that which you like, trust and accept the existence of. If you are an atheist, how can you like Jesus Christ? The supernatural supreme being.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2014 at 3:04pm
Mar 27, 2014 at 3:02pm
How can you believe one exists and another doesn't. They are the same entity.
Because I don't believe they are the same entity. Duh?

Atheism has no punishment for crimes?
Atheism is a position on the truth of God claims. It has nothing to do with treatment of criminals.

Punishment of a crime doesn't undo the crime (vindicate the victim). The point of a criminal justice system should be either rehabilitation or, failing that, the protection of society from dangerous people. Punishment doesn't accomplish anything.

We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God
So you're saying that dead babies do, in fact, go to Hell?
Mar 27, 2014 at 3:08pm
Jesus died for the sins of mankind. He didn't come to save any one person, He came to save us all.

Exactly. So it's #1 then. My question was, why was this necessary? Couldn't God just have forgiven our sins without having his son be brutally killed? I fail to see what one has to do with the other.

You believe in the existence of Jesus but not God?

My beliefs are irrelevant. I'm trying to understand what you believe. If you're looking for an opportunity to explain your beliefs to others, that is what I'm giving you. I'm genuinely interested.

Jesus said it's only a fool that doesn't believe in God.

When did Jesus say that? Can you quote a passage?

I suspect you might be mistaken... as that is quite out of character for him. He never belittled others. He didn't even call the Romans killing him fools... instead he said "they know not what they do". Implying ignorance rather than foolishness.

you believe in His existence but not the existence of what He teaches.

Again this isn't about what I believe. I'm trying to learn more about Christianity.

And I love most of what Jesus teaches. A lot of what he teaches is to just be an overall awesome human being. Religious context aside, I think the "what would Jesus do" mentality is a great general principle when dealing with general questions of morality.

He teaches love, forgiveness, acceptance, giving, and just overall kindness. If there are 2 role models in dogma I respect more than any other... Jesus is definitely one of them. (Buddha is the other).

If you are not of God, you are of satan, Jesus taught this.

Again, can you quote a passage on this? I don't think this is true. This sounds more like old testament stuff.

Jesus was not judgemental, and didn't make claims about whether or not people were "of Satan".


you are atheist, you believe in the existence of Jesus Christ, condemn, twist and rebuke everything He stands for but yet, you claim to like Him.
Is that how atheism works? Twisting and turning the words of that which you like, trust and accept the existence of. If you are an atheist, how can you like Jesus Christ?

I'm just trying to understand. That's all.

If you want to teach me of Christ and his teachings... I'm asking you to do so. What passages of the Bible should I read to answer my above questions?

Last edited on Mar 27, 2014 at 3:15pm
Mar 27, 2014 at 3:18pm
closed account (iAk3T05o)
Your hand exists but your brain doesn't. Do you know why? I don't believe they belong to the same entity. This is exactly what you are saying.
Jesus teaches about believing in the Father and you tell me He is teaching about something that does not exist. Jesus Christ uses His own words to tell you if you've seen him, you've seen the Father but to you, the Father isn't real. This is what you believe. This is what an atheist believes about a being he considers kind, good, loving, caring etc. What a nice way to repay Him.
If you've read the bible, you would know that no baby goes to Hell. They are pure in heart. If you've read the bible, you know what the beatitudes says about the pure in heart.
You insult Jesus Christ's teachings by depicting God by god like He were any mere god but you believe Jesus Christ is good, you believe He loves you, He cares for you. How interesting.
Every living thing praises God which is why i am happy plants and animals can't be fooled by atheism.
You believe evolution and that man evolved from chemicals which evolved into whatever which evolved into bacteria. But Jesus Christ also taught "we created man in our own image and likeness", but you like Jesus Christ. Another interesting thing.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2014 at 3:27pm
Mar 27, 2014 at 3:34pm
Jesus didn't quite say non-believers got to hell, but this might imply it, depending on your interpretation.

Luke 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

To be honest, I find it literally unbelievable people still follow these many-century old books. They are full of contradiction and so called facts which we have found to be false through science. No-one believes in the Norse gods anymore, or the Roman gods. Why the hell are people still believing some religions today? I hope everyday to read a headline that we found life in some other place, preferably intelligent, friendly and communicating with us, or for some other crazy event like that to happen. The religious groups might then join a new society, with truth based on science and morality intelligently designed.
Mar 27, 2014 at 3:41pm
Your hand exists but your brain doesn't. Do you know why? I don't believe they belong to the same entity. This is exactly what you are saying.
It's not exactly what I'm saying. I'm not saying that I don't believe Jesus and God belong to the same entity. To fix your analogy, I don't believe that my hand and my brain are the same thing, which is trivially correct.

Jesus Christ uses His own words to tell you if you've seen him, you've seen the Father
Have you seen Jesus Christ?

If you've read the bible, you would know that no baby goes to Hell. They are pure in heart. If you've read the bible, you know what the beatitudes says about the pure in heart.
At what point in someone's life does this purity of heart end?

Every living thing praises God which is why i am happy plants and animals can't be fooled by atheism.

You believe evolution and that man evolved from chemicals which evolved into whatever which evolved into bacteria.
Strawman, appeal to ridicule. Go on, say that we're the offspring of a retarded fish having sex with a squirrel.
Also, evolution and abiogenesis are two different things, though they are related.
Mar 27, 2014 at 3:50pm
closed account (iAk3T05o)
Your hand can function without you brain? Hmm, maybe you are an alien.
You forget that God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) created the heavens and everything in it so finding aliens won't do anything.
You want to find the teaches of Christ to be true through science but Christ has proven it to be true and you don't believe but you like Christ.
You don't believe in after life but forget that when Jesus died, He resurrected to Heaven after 3 days but you like Christ. So interesting.
You consider yourself solely intelligent but forget that God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) gives wisdom and consider yourself moral but insult the teachings of that which you like.
You consider Christianity falsified but that is what Christ teaches but from your words, you like God.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2014 at 3:51pm
Mar 27, 2014 at 3:57pm
Your hand exists but your brain doesn't. Do you know why? I don't believe they belong to the same entity. This is exactly what you are saying.

I have literally said nothing of the sort. All I've been doing is asking for references so I can learn more about Christianity. I am very interested and want to learn more.

I am literally asking you to teach me... yet you seem unable or unwilling to help, which is very unfortunate for both of us.

I want to learn, and I would assume you'd want to teach me.

The Bible wrote:
Luke 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Thank you for offering this, Mats.

I'll have to read more around this when I get some time to get some context. Is Jesus talking to Satan? And telling Satan to get behind him? If not, then what does "get thee behind me, Satan" mean?

EDIT: corrected "I have literally said nothing", which is not true.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2014 at 4:05pm
Mar 27, 2014 at 3:59pm
Your hand can function without you brain?
My brain can function without my hand. My hand can be transplanted to someone else's wrist. Even if neither were true, that wouldn't imply that they're the same thing.
Do you even think before you post, or are you just slamming your head against the keyboard?

but forget that when Jesus died, He resurrected
Maybe we don't believe that, either.
Mar 27, 2014 at 4:08pm
I am one of those scientist that believe god must exist due to my understanding that we will never be able to define mathematically what started it all (ie what started the big bang or what started the process that started the big bang ...

However, here is where I differ from your beliefs: I don't believe that the Chistians, Muslims or Jews truly know god (assuming he does exist). They are like the bystanders who saw some part of an accident and then started spreading their own version of the event to promote their own interests.

I consider the above three religions the big 3 on earth. These 3 religions are also monolithic - meaning that they each believe that only their way is the correct way and that all others are going to hell or some bad place.

Given what we as a human race already know about our universe we can infer that there must be other life out there besides us - due to shear size of universe ... the day is coming when we as a race will either be capable of interstellar space exploration or be ready to be met by other species as the day came when humans realized that the earth is not flat and nor does the other heavenly bodies all revolve around earth.

When that day comes and we finally learn that our mathematical speculation that their exists trillions of other species in the universe is actually true, then what are the Christians, Muslims and Jews going to say when they learn that none of these other species even heard about Christianity, Islam or Judaism?

Currently each of these organisations only believe that their followers will be saved. Thus if we were to split the world into 30% of humans are Christian, 30% Muslim and 30% Jews then their logic would dictate that only 30% of humans will be saved as they each believe that only their way is correct.

Now I ask, what happens to all those other souls from the ±4000,000,000 (persons per species) * trillions of species. Saying that all of them are doomed while only the 30% on earth are going to be saved sounds alot like we are the center of the unverse bs.

If you were to say that god has given each of them their own religion by which to worhsip him then are we saying the following:

Say person x comes from planet X and practices the religion xcism. Now what happens if person x come to planet earth? Does he have to practice Christianity in order to be saved or could he still practice xcism?

If you say he has to practice Christianity when on earth then I ask what a rock in space (like earth) has to do about which religion a person practices.

If you say he can practice xcism - then why can't any other human from earth also practice xcism and be saved.

If you agree with this - then your faith does not uniquely lead to salvation - ie there are trillions of faiths that does - so why the big hoohaa about which one to practice in the first place.

Personally I would choose to practice the one that does not restrict the most.
Mar 27, 2014 at 4:22pm
closed account (iAk3T05o)
Christ is really talking to satan. If you do want to learn then i hope i can try my best to teach. I will give you a reference to quotes and an article that discusses the trueness of quantum mechanics. Lastly, i ask that you read the bible, not to certify that God exists or doesn't, not to compare Christ's words with that of science, not to find out if it is acceptable by science, not as a philosophy book or story book but to try to understand. You believe Christ loves you as an atheist and that is amazing, it means you believe no matter how small so i see nothing wrong in picking up His book and trying to understand it without any expectation of fact. I will ask you to try prayer, it has worked for me in weird (very weird) situations and even if you are not a believer, approaching with a clear mind can work.
The quotes: [url=""]
and the quantum article: [url=""]
I don't worship god, I worship God so anything you say about this god is true but completely unapplicable to God.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2014 at 4:33pm
Mar 27, 2014 at 4:26pm
I am one of those scientist that believe god must exist due to my understanding that we will never be able to define mathematically what started it all (ie what started the big bang or what started the process that started the big bang ...

However, here is where I differ from your beliefs: I don't believe that the Chistians, Muslims or Jews truly know god (assuming he does exist). They are like the bystanders who saw some part of an accident and then started spreading their own version of the event to promote their own interests.

I consider the above three religions the big 3 on earth. These 3 religions are also monolithic - meaning that they each believe that only their way is the correct way and that all others are going to hell or some bad place.

Given what we as a human race already know about our universe we can infer that there must be other life out there besides us - due to shear size of universe ... the day is coming when we as a race will either be capable of interstellar space exploration or be ready to be met by other species as the day came when humans realized that the earth is not flat and nor does the other heavenly bodies all revolve around earth.

When that day comes and we finally learn that our mathematical speculation that their exists trillions of other species in the universe is actually true, then what are the Christians, Muslims and Jews going to say when they learn that none of these other species even heard about Christianity, Islam or Judaism?

Currently each of these organisations only believe that their followers will be saved. Thus if we were to split the world into 30% of humans are Christian, 30% Muslim and 30% Jews then their logic would dictate that only 30% of humans will be saved as they each believe that only their way is correct.

Now I ask, what happens to all those other souls from the ±4000,000,000 (persons per species) * trillions of species. Saying that all of them are doomed while only the 30% on earth are going to be saved sounds alot like we are the center of the unverse bs.

If you were to say that god has given each of them their own religion by which to worhsip him then are we saying the following:

Say person x comes from planet X and practices the religion xcism. Now what happens if person x come to planet earth? Does he have to practice Christianity in order to be saved or could he still practice xcism?

If you say he has to practice Christianity when on earth then I ask what a rock in space (like earth) has to do about which religion a person practices.

If you say he can practice xcism - then why can't any other human from earth also practice xcism and be saved.

If you agree with this - then your faith does not uniquely lead to salvation - ie there are trillions of faiths that does - so why the big hoohaa about which one to practice in the first place.

Personally I would choose to practice the one that does not restrict the most.
Mar 27, 2014 at 4:30pm
I reposted my previous post as I did not receive a response on it. I consider what I posted to be quite a rigorous proof that Christianity, Islam & Judaism is false.

Could you please pin point where in my proof I went wrong.

Mar 27, 2014 at 4:45pm
closed account (iAk3T05o)
I don't know who you are talking about. I know God not god.
If maybe you are referring to God and you are looking for a less restricting religion then that explains such a post.
The less restricting part explains why you believe Christianity is false. The bible acknowledges the existence of other gods. I know gods exist personally. They have power but comparing their power to God is like comparing the heat of a candle to the heat at the core of the sun.
No god resurrected. Only the Son, Jesus, did. He teaches with love and care, He begs you to come to the Father.
Christianity is true because science tries to prove it's false. Everything tries to prove it's false. Read the bible not as a philosophical book or a "prove it's fact" venture, read it and try to understand it.
Mar 27, 2014 at 4:46pm
Just because you can't see the cause to virtual particles that seem to pop into existence, it is very wrong to assume that they do so because you are not smart enough to see their cause. Oh what vanity!
vane (adj.): Overly proud of oneself, especially concerning appearance; having a high opinion of one's own accomplishments with slight reason.
We're so proud of ourselves, we think we're still too stupid!

How can all the complexities of quantum mechanics produce a mind, for they are just laws of nature, variables and constants, exhibiting action and reaction, cause and effect? Bouncing particles without God could never derive the attributes of world-consciousness, self-consciousness and God-consciousness. They cannot without God give us a conscience, intuition, feelings, thoughts, communion and volition. But God can have all these qualities because a spirit being can have these qualities.

To believe matter and the fields of quantum science can bring about these attributes is a leap of faith that I dare say atheists have a stronger faith than I do, for a loving God would never ask us to have such blind faith.
Place in a jar any substance you want that does not have replicating life. Shake it all about. It never turns into life or even RNA.

There are a lot of quantum things going on underneath. With the most powerful telescope we have we can only see down to 10^33 level, but the universe we know goes down at least to the 10^120 level
Telescopes + quantum effects = wat

Christianity is true because science tries to prove it's false.
No it doesn't. Fundamentalists have decided that the Bible must be literally true, and therefore view evidence to the contrary as attacks upon their worldview. Being the master logicians that they are, they also view an attack on a part as an attack on the whole.
Christianity cannot be disproven. Science has nothing to say on undisprovable claims.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2014 at 4:58pm
Mar 27, 2014 at 4:52pm
I am one of those scientist that believe God must exist due to my understanding that we will never be able to define mathematically what started it all (ie what started the big bang or what started the process that started the big bang ...

However, here is where I differ from your beliefs: I don't believe that the Chistians, Muslims or Jews truly know God (assuming he does exist). They are like the bystanders who saw some part of an accident and then started spreading their own version of the event to promote their own interests.

I consider the above three religions the big 3 on earth. These 3 religions are also monolithic - meaning that they each believe that only their way is the correct way and that all others are going to hell or some bad place.

Given what we as a human race already know about our universe we can infer that there must be other life out there besides us - due to shear size of universe ... the day is coming when we as a race will either be capable of interstellar space exploration or be ready to be met by other species as the day came when humans realized that the earth is not flat and nor does the other heavenly bodies all revolve around earth.

When that day comes and we finally learn that our mathematical speculation that their exists trillions of other species in the universe is actually true, then what are the Christians, Muslims and Jews going to say when they learn that none of these other species even heard about Christianity, Islam or Judaism?

Currently each of these organisations only believe that their followers will be saved. Thus if we were to split the world into 30% of humans are Christian, 30% Muslim and 30% Jews then their logic would dictate that only 30% of humans will be saved as they each believe that only their way is correct.

Now I ask, what happens to all those other souls from the ±4000,000,000 (persons per species) * trillions of species. Saying that all of them are doomed while only the 30% on earth are going to be saved sounds alot like we are the center of the unverse bs.

If you were to say that God has given each of them their own religion by which to worhsip him then are we saying the following:

Say person x comes from planet X and practices the religion xcism. Now what happens if person x come to planet earth? Does he have to practice Christianity in order to be saved or could he still practice xcism?

If you say he has to practice Christianity when on earth then I ask what a rock in space (like earth) has to do about which religion a person practices.

If you say he can practice xcism - then why can't any other human from earth also practice xcism and be saved.

If you agree with this - then your faith does not uniquely lead to salvation - ie there are trillions of faiths that does - so why the big hoohaa about which one to practice in the first place.

Personally I would choose to practice the one that does not restrict the most.

I reposted my prevoious post again - this time I change the word god for God.

Can you now answer my question?
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