GameBoy Opcodes

closed account (N36fSL3A)
Where can I find GameBoy opcodes (the original) along with descriptions of what they do? All the tables I see just show the instruction with no description.
asked disch about this months earlier in response to this:
heres what he said:

GB/GBC use a custom assembly that's similar to z80/8051.. commonly referred to as "gbz80".

Here's a cribsheet that gives a summary of all opcodes as well as a summary of other basic GB info:

You can probably find more detailed info by googling. I know there used to be a site centered around GB dev that had all sorts of detailed info but I don't remember the name or know if it's still around.
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closed account (N36fSL3A)
Ah, thanks Bobby. I need help with figuring out what the 'r' under the flags mean and what 'r8/r16' mean.
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