How do Programmers not Speaking English Use Programming Languages Such as C++

Since this is an internet forum, I thought this would be a good place to ask this question:

How do Programmers, that do not speak English, use programming languages with english words and phrases, or that are made with English characters?

Do they just use different compilers?
They learn english. At least words used in language. Some alternatively gifted remembers looks of constructs and reproduce them.
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Could you elaborate? I've seen code by programmers who talk other languages and they can learn English, but for the most part they name the variables and such to whatever their native language is for it.
Well, most beginners name their variables in their native language, because they are more comfortable with it. After they get experience and English knowledge, they learn about how important for code to be readable by anyone and start naming variables in de-facto international language: English.
I doubt that is true. When my father-in-law was head of maintenance at PrintPack Packaging in our town and all their computer software that was specialized for running their ink presses was coded in German and had to have a German programmer come in and fix any issues they had with it or add features and menus to it.
Well there is always those who don't want to learn, or don't feel the need to. Give job to cheapest bidder on and you will get code in Hindi.

Software in German could be written for internal market and they didn't care about possibility of export or was written by student which don't know English and just was cheapest contractor one could get.

When people fell the need to grow as programmer, or work in international team first time, they start trying to use English. They may use terribly broken English but at least they try to communicate with the international community.

Experienced programmer often shames new ones who don't use English for naming.

I think I should point that I am not a native English speaker myself, so I encountered all those firsthand.
How do Programmers, that do not speak English, use programming languages with english words and phrases, or that are made with English characters?
You don't need to know a whole language if you're going to use only a couple dozen words of it.

Personally, it always felt natural to use english names in code, since the keywords are in english. And having only comments in my native language feels weird so english for them too.
It's also easier if I need to post code online for help as I don't have to translate names.
Thank you, everyone, for your answers.
I'v seen javascript written in bulgarian
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