Currently, I use Code::Blocks for C/C++/Other, LiteIDE for Go, and now I'm down to my IDE for java. I either want to go for Eclipse,or Intellij IDEA. I like the look and feel of IDEA.It Seems to have good plugins, and Android support. Eclipse, however is lightweight, portable, and easy. It is de-facto for android development, but a lot of plugins seem to be outdated. One of my main plugins wants is support for JVM based languages (Scala, Groovy, Clojure, Kotlin), and Kotlin seems to be made for IDEA. IDEA also has Groovy support. Eclipse, apparently can compile off only the JRE (???), so which IDE should I use
I think you should use Eclipse
closed account (EwCjE3v7)
Eclipse, there are some downs to Eclipse but you can also get Eclipse CDT(C/C++) and get used to it
Eclipse plugins just seem outdated
closed account (EwCjE3v7)
mmm, your choice but I would go with Eclipse, it looks neater to me
Yeah, I'll probably go with that.
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