How long have you been programming (C++ or other)

Me, I've only been doing it for a few months. I tried to do a little bit of Python during the summer, then stopped. I started on C++ a few months ago because I remember reading somewhere most games are in C++ or something of that sort. How long have you been programming and how experienced do you feel with the language as far as understanding and using it? Have you created anything? I'm interested in hearing others' experiences! :)
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closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
you should move this to the lounge
how? I can't delete it. how can I get a moderator to move it?
closed account (N36fSL3A)
There should be an edit topic button on the left hand side.
Since ummm...

Almost a year, in "real" C++, but close to 16-18 months in a pseudo-understood module for a simulator which helped me get a feel for C++ syntax. I didn't legitimately understand what I was doing at the time, but learning to write C++ syntax by looking at examples made learning the language completely much easier.

I'm... sorta experienced with the language, but currently discovering more things that I need to learn like RAII & newer advanced features in C++11. Its probably a never ending process...

PS try hitting edit topic to change the forum this is in
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Oh yea, and to respond, I've been programming for 2 years C++, and ~5 years in Ruby on and off. I've spend ~6 months with py and lua.
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BruceJohn - yeah definitely, from what I've read it takes YEARS to even master C++ so you always have to keep learning, which is good for me because I'm an autodidact anyways. Just googled RAII, I can't say I understand it 100% but it seems like a clean way to prevent problems with code. :)

Lumpkin - Wow, a jack of all trades! :) when did you decide to move from C++ to other languages, and are there reasons why you learned different ones or you just do it for enjoyment?
5ish years? Started with Dark BASIC. Moved into VB.NET and C++ at kind of the same time. Been with C++ for probably 3 years. Picked up Python due to work requirements. Learned Java from school. And I know the basics of JavaScript, just enough to be able to read code basically. I couldn't probably write anything of substance in JavaScript.
I tried to learn C and C++ 4 years ago using a tutorial on a French website. I stopped when I started learning pointers - it was becoming a bit complex, and I didn't have enough motivation to continue.

I started programming in TI-BASIC on my calculator the next year, mostly making programs which solved the problems for me. That's when I realized programming was for me.

The following year, I learned GML (game maker language) by reading the official documentation while making a space shooter. I spent a total of 120 hours making it - including all the art and brainstorming. The game isn't even worth showing, and I wouldn't consider using GML for a professional product, but it helped me learn the basics of game design and programming syntax quickly.

The next year I started my studies in computer science - I can't call it college or university, we don't have the most common type of education system here in Quebec. We learned Visual Basic during the first few months, and moved on to C++ for the next year and a half. Which brings us to right now. I still do C++ during my winter break, and I learn new stuff every day. But in two weeks, we start learning Java.

Well, that was a long story :)
The first I learned was when I was about seven in the 1970s, and it was this very calculator:

From then on I, surprisingly to some, learned machine code and assembly language before any high-level languages. From the 80s on I learned C for development on DOS-like text-based operating systems used by IBM OEM systems. In the 1990s I learned web development, HTML, CSS, etc. Then I learned C++ for emulator development at the time(which was mostly SNES emulators and such starting to come in).

By now I have experience in over 20 programming languages, web development, game development, device driver programming under Solaris, systems programming experience (self-made bootstrap code, bootloaders, tiny operating systems, etc.), experience in OOP, procedural, functional, and etc. programming languages, and assembly language in seven architectures(x86-64, PowerPC, Motorola 68000, ARM(v6-+), SPARC, MIPS, and SuperH).

I also can work in binary, hand-coded machine opcodes under M68k, R3000, some x86-64, and some Ricoh 2A03/MOS 6502.

EDIT: Basically, I've been programming around 48 38 years.
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closed account (N36fSL3A)
The only reason I started programming was because of RPG Maker (which uses Ruby), and that was because I wanted more control over my games. Then I moved to Game Maker, then GML, then I started to learn C++ because I wanted to make really good games. The only reason I started with Python was because of blender, Lua for a scripting language for my game engine.

I ultimately decided to use Squirrel as a scripting language tho.
Andy Harglesis wrote:
The first I learned was when I was about seven in the 1970s, and it was this very calculator:

From then on I, surprisingly to some, learned machine code and assembly language before any high-level languages. From the 80s on I learned C for development on DOS-like text-based operating systems used by IBM OEM systems. In the 1990s I learned web development, HTML, CSS, etc. Then I learned C++ for emulator development at the time(which was mostly SNES emulators and such starting to come in).

By now I have experience in over 20 programming languages, web development, game development, device driver programming under Solaris, systems programming experience (self-made bootstrap code, bootloaders, tiny operating systems, etc.), experience in OOP, procedural, functional, and etc. programming languages, and assembly language in seven architectures(x86-64, PowerPC, Motorola 68000, ARM(v6-+), SPARC, MIPS, and SuperH).

I also can work in binary, hand-coded machine opcodes under M68k, R3000, some x86-64, and some Ricoh 2A03/MOS 6502.

EDIT: Basically, I've been programming around 48 38 years.

you age very well....
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I started with a bit of batch (if that can be called a programming language), as well as a few bits and pieces of other things, having a look at web development languages like PHP, and a bit of random things like QBasic. Eventually I moved onto C, and did a bit of that with Python, which I started learning at around the same time. Then I started getting into making games and things like that in my spare time, so I learnt things like C++ and Lua. I also taught myself a bit of NASM assembly, and a (very little bit) of binary. I also taught myself a few of the wierder programming languages, like Whitespace, Intercal and Java.
you age very well...

closed account (N36fSL3A)
Ha ha...

Kinda creepy you went through all that trouble to find him on facebook tho... >_>
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