Video Recording Question

I've got an infrared camera with RCA output only. Currently, only can record to VHS via a VCR. This only allows ~4 hours of video, though and I'm needing 9.

I'm trying to not spend more than 25 dollars doing this. My idea is to record onto a computer, which originally I thought sounded easy. The computer only has VGA and HDMI though. Here's my problems:

1) RCA is analog video while my two options are digital
2) OK, I can buy a RCA -> VGA converter, but then will laptops allow VGA input?
3) I could plug camera into a TV, but then how would I record video off of TV from a computer?
4) I could also plug camera into VCR, but then again how do I bypass the tapes and go straight to the computer?

Basically, I'm stuck trying to get this analog signal to go through a digital interface. And then will the graphics card even allow for VGA input? From what I gathered online, only high-end cards or specialty cards will allow such a thing :(

Any suggestions?
Figure out a format you can read it from. If you know of an application that allows for USB input of the data that you will be inputting, you can almost definitely find some cable out there that converts RCA or VGA into USB. Otherwise, convert it into HDMI and then into USB, as I know that that is possible.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
as to two... yes your laptop should allow vga input from the comnverter
IIRC VGA is output only.
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
Don't think there is any way to use those ports as input, they are only for output. Just like you don't expect a $1000 graphics card to provide capturing. Unless your laptop does have a capture card on it, though i don't think i've seen one that does.

You'd need a capture card or something. Most of my experiences with usb ones has been terrible.
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