VS2012 redistributable


So, tried to download it today, but, seems like Microsoft has some issues right now and the English version happens to be in Chinese or something.
( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20010826/microsoft-visual-c-redistributable-for-visual-studio-2012-update-4-installer-o , I'm not the only one having this problem)

My question; does anyone here have the VS2012 redist. Update 4, in English?
closed account (13bSLyTq)

Yes I downloaded it last-night. Do you want the download link - if so: http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/4/8/D48D1AC2-A297-4C9E-A9D0-A218E6609F06/VSU4/VS2012.4.exe

It is "English"

Hope this helped,

My language skills in pretty much all Asian languages is pretty bad :P
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