Things like this is why I am starting to hate windows

Pages: 123
closed account (N36fSL3A)
I like the code completion feature a lot.
The code completion is widespread, it's like on all IDE's.
CodeLite's a bit invasive (As it sometimes won't go away pressing ESC) but still works fine, except with some includes.
closed account (N36fSL3A)
I never tried CodeLite, however I did try CodeBlocks and I have to say it's kind of crappy.

I don't like how it automatically completes my parenthesis, I'm very picky about that. Not to mention how long it took for me to figure out how to link a lib in there, and it's code completion sucks pretty bad.
You can turn off any auto-complete you want in codeblocks. And how is linking a library hard in it? Takes 3-4 mouse clicks. I'm pretty sure the whole process is almost identical to how VS does it.
If you'd like a suggestion from me, give it a try.
The last update also adds SFTP support (Which we are certainly going to use in my team! It sounds awesome to us!).
I've also been able to change CodeLite's tabbing/indentation to be as similar as possible to what I've been used to use (exactly like on MSVS - but auto-matches closing parenthesis).

I noticed it allows importing MSVS's projects.

Its project handling works in the same way as MSVS:
You have a workspace (solution on MSVS), which includes different projects.
Each project has its own properties, like linker settings, compiler settings...
> The last update also adds SFTP support
¿what's wrong with scp?
I don't know. It doesn't even have FTP tho. But I'm not the dev, don't ask me :>
Someone actually likes coding on top of WINAPI???
> But I'm not the dev, don't ask me
what I mean was, why are you so excited about sftp when we have been enjoying scp for quite a while.
the only functional difference that I see is being able to manipulate the file system, which is not a thing that I want to do through an text editor
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Someone actually likes coding on top of WINAPI???
I know right, I hate it so much.
@ne555 Because my little team's set-up will not need changes.
SFTP isn't what excites me.
What excites me is the availability of a plugin for file transfers.
As an example I'd prefer a FTP client instead of a SFTP one, but there's no plugins available, I'm too lazy to make one and there's the SFTP available already (Which, at the end of the day, changes very little)
what's wrong with scp?

SCP and SFTP aren't really for the same purpose.
> What excites me is the availability of a plugin for file transfers.
> As an example I'd prefer a FTP client instead of a SFTP one, but there's no plugins available
There is, since quite a long time.
That your "IDE" does not support it, that's its problem.

With this new plugin, one can accomplish the following:
- Connect to a remote site over SSH and
- Browse it
- Open files
- Rename files
- Delete files and directories
- Create directories
- Edit and Save files directly from within codelite
Netrw makes reading files, writing files, browsing over a network, and local browsing easy!
Netrw supports "transparent" editing of files on other machines using urls
For browsing on a remote host, "edit" a directory (but make sure that the directory name is followed by a "/"
There are more protocols supported by netrw than just scp and ftp, too (dav, ftp, rcp, scp, http, rsync, sftp, fetch)

In the context of an IDE/text editor
¿what would you use SFTP for?
¿what would you use SCP for?
@ne555: I meant a FTP client plugin (And as you said it's not available), not a simple FTP client. (Who doesn't have a FTP client nowadays?)
Windows Explorer is and has been an FTP client for many versions of Windows ;p
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
EssGeEich, me. I use either git/mercurial for code or setup an http directory.

Although, I can connect to my server via SFTP because of OpenSSH.
> I meant a FTP client plugin (And as you said it's not available)
weird, I tried to say the opposite.
EssGeEich wrote:
ne555 wrote:
> What excites me is the availability of a plugin for file transfers.
> As an example I'd prefer a FTP client instead of a SFTP one, but there's no plugins available
There is, since quite a long time.
That your "IDE" does not support it, that's its problem.
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Pages: 123