Anybody 12 good at C++?

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The way I see it...

They have nothing to lose here. Worst case they try at something, make friends, and learn a lot along the way.

Best case, they succeed and have something worth some money. To say to them that they aren't good enough and should not try, is rude. You haters don't even know them and you think this is okay?

If I did not try something because I thought it would be too difficult then I would never fail at anything, and I would never be anything more.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Manga wrote:
To say to them that they aren't good enough and should not try, is rude.
So being realistic is now rude? We should say 'of course you can' when it is patently obvious that someone has not got the experience to actual be able to do it rather than suggesting that they set their sights a little bit lower. I think it would be rude to blowing smoke up their ass and suggest that they have a hope of doing it.

and wrote:
You haters don't even know them and you think this is okay?
The haters realists don't know them ... but they do know the subject. So yes, I do think it is okay.

Well they are going to do what ever they want whether you like it or not. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Never argue with an idiot. I'll just bring you down to my level and then beat you with experience.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
Manga wrote:
Well they are going to do what ever they want wether you like it or not. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
I admire their spirit and their enthusiasm. I have no problem if they still want to try to achieve their goal, no matter how unrealistic it is.

Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I think if they had people to sit down and guide them while they did it, it would be much more productive.

Otherwise, comparing them to geniuses with IQs well over 160 isn't going to get you anywhere. I programmed at 12, sure, but I couldn't comprehend certain things and I had to compensate by assuming that certain things were just magic. EDIT: In other words, a deep understanding of what you're doing is somewhat required in C/++ and lower level languages in general. In UnrealScript for instance, you don't need to have such a deep understanding, you just need to know this has this result and worry little about side effects.
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You see and that is all they ask for. They could try this and if they hit road blocks then they have the c++ community to turn to for help.

I once read about a 14 year old girl who discovered a new antibiotic. Her parents were not at all realistic, but instead bought her expensive science equipment and gave her encouragement.

Then look what happened as result. Kids can do things too as long as the world lets them be up in the clouds and not force realism upon them.
You see and that is all they ask for. They could try this and if they hit road blocks then they have the c++ community to turn to for help.

I once read about a 14 year old girl who discovered a new antibiotic. Her parents were not at all realistic, but instead bought her expensive science equipment and gave her encouragement.

Then look what happened as result. Kids can do things too as long as the world lets them be up in the clouds and not force realism upon them.

Then they are going to be turning to the community a lot because they don't have any of the prerequisites for making AV.

Let's assume that some how they managed to pull it off after asking 7000 questions and 7 years make a bare AV program(which is extremely unlikely). They still won't be able to sell it as it won't cover many viruses, won't be constantly updated. They could have spent all that time learning more from more productive suitable ways.

Honestly if you're all 12 then just try making games. Games can still be quite challenging to make, and will test your knowledge of many aspects of C++. Getting a game out there is a hell of a lot easier than selling new AV software assuming you don't think you're publishing it for XBox-360 or something of the sort. Last but not least, making a game is far more enjoyable for almost any person.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Rather, considering the intrusive nature of AV, nobody in their right mind would use it knowing it was made by a bunch of amatuers, genius or not.
If making AV software makes them happy then it was not time wasted.
I spoke with a friend of mine, professor He recommended this link.

It does not look to tough to me. Have fun kids!
closed account (z05DSL3A)
I would start by writing proof of concept malware and try getting that past the major free AV software (they may even be able to get reward money). They are at least going to need some sterile viruses to work with when they do start their own AV software.
That's an over simplified (but I guess not technically incorrect) explanation of how an AV program works. Consider for a moment that those patterns change every time a program gets recompiled, GCC and MingW do this on purpose. AV programs don't look for symbols at fixed locations like this program does, they look for patterns and offsets. They're also able to identify jump commands and external links since a common strategy of virus programmers is to have pieces of the program in multiple files so that simplistic scans like this one don't find them. I don't think I have to point out that this sample doesn't show you how proactive protection works, and preventing an infection is far more useful then removing one.
Before you can run you must learn to stand.

This is a good place for them to start their journey. They would improve in time if they so choose.

But creating the world's best unbeatable AV software probably also begins with baby steps.

Once again we would all like to thank computergeek for his kind words of encouragement.
i doubt you have learned everything in c++, considering you're 12.
Manga wrote:
Never argue with an idiot. I'll just bring you down to my level and then beat you with experience.

Yeah, never argue with an idiot, just report them. After enough reports their experience will get them banned.

Manga wrote:
I spoke with a friend of mine, professor He recommended this link.

This is the same professor that blindly recommends child pornography to pedophiles. Can't take everything he recommends at face value.

Makes me wonder how old Manga is, as so far the only ones that are having issues with us being honest and realistic are more kids. I've been programming for 17 years, I may not have confidence in my abilities, but I do know what is required to do some tasks; and doing an AV for 12 year olds who have school and other obligations, would take years to even crank out a prototype of it. Decades to crank out one that is even a fraction as good as the free commercial one on the market.
lol BHxSpecter.

It's true, professor can have a Mr. Hyde personallity at times. Just so you know I am 35.

I think the young ones are just wanting to do their own thing for whatever it is worth.
closed account (zb0S216C)
If they're so desperate to make an AV, so be it. But here's a piece of advice: ensure that your AV protects itself: some virus attempt to disable the AV before it gets to work.

closed account (N36fSL3A)
i doubt you have learned everything in c++, considering you're 12.
It's like I don't even exist.

Please read my posts.

(Ironic I'm the one saying that, huh?)

eah, never argue with an idiot, just report them.
Define idiot. If they're an idiot smarts-wise, you ban them because what they think?

What if they're extremely intelligent? You would be calling them an idiot based on YOUR knowledge, and you might be the idiot.

(Don't take it personally, it was an example)

Anyway my skype is Fredbill30

Making games are fun. BTW
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Lumpkin wrote:
What if they're extremely intelligent? You would be calling them an idiot based on YOUR knowledge, and you might be the idiot.

An extremely intelligent person wouldn't act like an idiot.
closed account (G309216C)
I am seeing a lot of AV bypass talks, and just to clarify there is no function which sprinkles magical dust over a Malware to become invisible to AV but it is a list of DO's and DONT's for example using common functions is not very good method when trying to bypass AV, for example there are several methods to inject a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) into a foreign process memory space, the most used and common method is using CreateRemoteThread but there is a better way use uncommon methods such as using QueueUserAPC , these methods tend to be less appealing to the AV therefore a successful AV bypass occurs.
Next trick is to use minimal amount of disturbance in order to perform a action. Creating too much disturbance will only gain unwanted attention towards process.
Abusing other processes design is a great way to fulfill a command whilst remaining normal in the "crowd".

AV bypass methods tend to use unique methods to perform a action rather than use common and well-known functions.

I did work on disabling AV solutions and it is really simple, it does not need heavy code, any good RE (Reverse Engineer) would understand my point.
Now days the proactive defenses should be key and should be treated as main protection all the other misc features are just like fail-safe if everything is lost.


Any One want to join PM me or Post we can own all the other teams I have extensive knowledge on Malware and AV field.
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