Object Pascal, though there are a few things I don't like about some more modern features. For example, I think Zürich's Pascal XSC had operator overloading nailed before some moron at Embarcadero got a hold of it. (I also can't stand the RemObjects stuff.)
Someday when I get the time I'll finish my own awesome variant... But the FPC and Lazarus teams have already done a very nice job.
(Dont judge by the cheesy IDE -- it's the language features and library you want.)
Tcl/Tk is a fabulously wonderful little language. Don't misunderstand, it's not just "the little language that could," but it is in fact the language that
does -- it does all the things you never think about. It has been used in places you rarely think about for ages. If you've ever sent an email, for example, you've used Tcl.
If you want to mess with it, check out
Racket is my favorite implementation of
Scheme, which I like much better than Haskell and some other functional languages out there. 'Nuff said
C -- that's C90 mind you, C99 was designed by a committee of anti- C++ people, so even though it does have some nice features they seem to be implemented as obnoxiously as possible.
C++... I guess you could say it has grown on me.
http://www.cplusplus.com/ of course
Assembly. I've enjoyed playing with it from the start. When I first started, ye olde GW-BASIC just couldn't do the graphics I wanted, so I started programming the HGC and VGA cards in assembly and linking the routines into the Basic interpreter. After a while, I figured I was doing it the hard way and just wrote it all in assembly.
When my father noticed he gave me his copy of Turbo Pascal 4.0... so my teenage mind was won to the joys of programming...
Batch scripting... Yeah, I actually wrote a language on top of it that let you do things like actual subroutine calls (yes, in pure
command.com batch processing...) but, well, that was that...
I've messed with various other languages but that's about the end of my faves list. I suppose I ought to mention
Python as well. I'm sure I'm missing something as well...