by takrupp
Quant Research
[no replies]
by takrupp
Quant Research - Systematic Trading - Immediate Hire
[no replies]
by takrupp
Quantitative Developer
[no replies]
by dys0n
Software tied to one computer?
[11 replies] Last: Here is the software guys, thanks. (by dys0n)
by takrupp
Trading Operations Engineer - Perl
[no replies]
by takrupp
Software Developer - Quant Trading - Immediate Hire
[no replies]
by Expensify
Programmer Extraordinaires
[1 reply] : try bumping any of the other 24 identical threads, pl0x (by Zephilinox)
by takrupp
Quant Research
[no replies]
by Alx101
Co-worker in hobby project
[7 replies] Last: To clarify, the hobby project is a game engine, not going to be open-s... (by Alx101)
by takrupp
Junior Accountant
[no replies]
by dmaincrash
OpenGL / C++ Senior Developer
[no replies]
by NorCom
[no replies]
Database Publisher (m/w) für unsere Online-Plattformen eShop und simple system in München |
[no replies]
by aeigis
C++ Project for a Non Profit Org
[no replies]
by Abacus
Softwareentwickler (m/w) im Bereich C++/Java-Programmierung
[no replies]
by Banananas
Need C++ - coder
[7 replies] Last: more details please.... (by Jaimeuem)
by Rathnavel
Need C++ Professionals
[no replies]
by Ajanta
C++ with VE or IOS
[1 reply] : Salary range? Company name? I don't send my resume to anyone whom I d... (by rapidcoder)
by gerfy1
Freelancing as a beginner?
[7 replies] Last: i am not interesting it.... thanks... (by Michaelve)
by masagroup
Qt/C++ Developer for an AI Middleware needed.
[no replies]