by JordanL
Game development team looking for SDL programmers
[3 replies] Last: Hi I would love to work in your team. I only know the basics of progr... (by orhanku)
by mohamedrks
Need to work as a C++ developper to practice
[no replies]
by EliGigi
Looking for C++/C Coder
[2 replies] Last: Don't contact him. I did a project from him but never get paid. (by nelucius)
by mekd40
C++ Programmer/Robotics
[2 replies] Last: Ahmad Ibrahim Mohamed Ali Mobile Number: 0162028267 ... (by ahmed aquset)
by chris8sirhc
C++ email server to communicate with another programs C++ API
[2 replies] Last: done, you can also contact me at ctharrigan0704 at gmail dot com. Than... (by chris8sirhc)