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Leading position without university degree?

Hello programmers,

in this subforum I found a link to the homepage of a headhunting agency and I found a job on their homepage that I find interesting.
I have work experience and I was also responsible for projects including budget planning and controlling.
The only problem is - I don't have a university degree. I quit university when I got an interesting job offer and I never had the motivation to go back to school.
So far, it didn't matter but this job ad makes me worry if I even get invited to a job interview without a degree.
What's your opinion? Has anyone ever been in the same situation?
Any experiences?


Well, the requirements say a degree, so getting past HR may be a challenge.
I fear so, too. it's just frustrating. One decision - and it seemed to be the right one back then - now seems to ruin my career.
It was a poor decision. Think about your post above. It even says that you never had the motivation to get it done. What do you think that says to a potential employeer?

Regardless, we all know that the school nor degree makes the student (or employee). We primarily hire master students from top schools and they're still hit or miss...
I've seen a few cases where employers require a degree or n amount of years experience in that field.

Of course, this will vary on an employer to employer basic. I'd contact the HR department and plead your case. It'll show initiative, if nothing else.
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

My advice would be to go the extra mile and do some efforts such as streamlining your CV for this particular job and sending your application through a delivery service ( I don't mean the kind that sings happy birthday when you open the door).

If it doesn't work out, at least you gave it your all.
Just my 2 cents :)

All the best,
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