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  • RatcheTek Games is looking for a C++ PRO

RatcheTek Games is looking for a C++ PROGRAMMER

Apr 2, 2012 at 10:18am
Hey guys,

we are looking for a C++ Programmer for our game development Business.

About us: we are a small business that makes games. we are currently working on a MMO (Massive Multiplayer online game), there will be no single player JUST ONLINE. we are starting by posting a BETA witch will be 1 map, some guns, planes, cars. the game will be just like battle field bad company online. in the FULL game there will be lots of game modes and maps+DLC. as well as working on our own game we will be also helping other people, like with concept art or level design or anything to do with games. later on when we have lots of coders and programmers, we are thinking about making our own Game Engine as well.

Contact us.
Email: ratchetekgames@gmail.com
Skype ID: ethan.g.jones

More info:

we also need Unreal scripters and people who can code in HTML and CSS. we are u
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