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Looking for C/C++ (Network programmer)

Hello, sorry for my dirty english!
I'm looking for programmer who can code Socks5 server with BackConnect function (through Unix Daemon).


-Machines with Socks server connects to Unix Daemon.
-All Socks servers has Unique PORT.
-Unix Daemon send POST requests with Socks server IP, Port & another info to PHP script (In web panel user can see all Socks servers) - PHP panel you don't need to code!

Connection to Socks proxy estimated example:
daemon-ip : socks-port
Unix daemon search for socks IP with selected PORT && create Tunel with client.

If you accepted this claims, send me PM with approximate term & $$ for project (Socks5 server && Unix daemon)?


Socks5 Server:
- Works on Windows (Xp, Vista, 7) [x86/64 & all SP]
- Accept more than one client, at the same time
- Support socks5/http/https/ssl/smtp -protocols
- Compiled project is only .exe file without .dll's
- Small size of .exe (less than 500kb after UPX compression)
- Don't need visual forms, buttons, etc.. Only Console - For debug (Watch connected clients, ping,..etc)
- On each server starts, port of server is different (random)
- Can work with clients, like Browser(FF, IE, ..etc) && client programms like SocksChain, Proxyfier
- Autentification (Login/password)
- Collect information, send to daemon (Computer name)

Unix Daemon:
- Works on Linux/BSD
- Can maintain a very large amount of Socks servers
- On client connect, create a tunel to socks server(ip) with selected port
- Can maintain a very large amount of Tunel's
- In socks pool all ports is unique
- Send POST requests to PHP script, with some info, like ping, computer name,.. (On new Socks server connects, or new tunel created)

All the work on the Socks5 machione side should be done within 1 exe, without any files dropped out or any drivers
installed. No changes should be done to filesystem or registry. All source codes and documentation are requred.

Here Scheme Example (IMAGE): http://www.2shared.com/photo/JjnXHDgy/gatavs.html
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