Affiliate Stat Source code Job

I am looking to do the following:

1. have a program that will log into various affiliate programs every xx minutes and update my affiliate impressions,clicks and sales.
2. I would then like to store it in a file for historical data
3. I would like to have the program running on my screen as long as I desire updating at predetermined times.
4. It would be nice if I could choose how far back for it to accumulate data so I can look at historical data.

I have programmed in C++ years ago, but I have to come up to speed. I have looked for an example of some source code doing this with hopes of making changes to suit my needs. In the end I want to be able to add programs (change the source code) as desired.

There are a few programs like now, of which I am a beta tester. It works well, but it does not cover all of the programs I need and it takes to long to get one added.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You
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