I'm a beginner C++ programmer, and I would like to get better at programming...
So please send me a PM if you need help, or have an idea of what to do...
I think you're going to need a bit of track record before anyone seeks out your help with a project...
If you search this site for "project ideas", and similar, you'll find a number of threads about such ideas.
You could also have a look at the source code for open source projects to see what you think. A lot of projects allow you to browse their code with a web browser, so you don't have have to download it unless you want to try using it.
For example, I was rcecently looking at this feed reader library http://code.google.com/p/feed-reader-lib/
(for source code, inc. sample app showing how to use library) http://code.google.com/p/feed-reader-lib/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk
It's a small project; nothing that complicated, though the code could prob be a bit tighter. (I got it to build and run with pre-built versions of the dependencies -- cURL, Xerces, Xalan, and Boost (which I already had) -- but it took a bit of patching)