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/bin /echo "c | c++" > awesome.jobs

Jul 15, 2013 at 8:59am
You love to code in C++, you love challenges and you're looking for your next job or internship?

Join the CodinGame worldwide online programming contest. You are welcome whatever your profile or experience. Here, it's your code that makes the difference!

Saturday, July 27th 2013 starting at 16:00 pm (UTC).
Check out the local time in your city here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=CodinGame+July&iso=20130727T18&p1=1263

Join developer-friendly tech companies (permanent jobs and internships).
Compete against the best coders worldwide and find out how you stack up against them.
Win cash prizes.

By solving programming puzzles using your favorite programming language.
It's online, it's free and it's anonymous.
Average duration of the contest: 2 hours.

Ready for the challenge?
Sign up here: http://www.codingame.com/cg/#!challenge:10

A question, a problem, a suggestion? Leave us your feedback! You can always reach us at coders@codingame.com

Please do not send any resume by email, apply online.
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