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  • Seeking source developer, knowledgeable

Seeking source developer, knowledgeable with experience.

May 7, 2013 at 4:51pm
Hello CPP,

My name is Graham Treble. I'm coming here to offer you all a position, and while you probably receive these offers a lot on this board.. at least hear me out before you give me the typical turn down statement that you "don't have enough time for the project." or it doesn't seem prominent enough. It's not the normal project, and I can promise you that. I've typically gone through a couple forums looking for proper candidates, and you caught my eye. Now, this project is entirely developed in the form of C++ with simple LUA statements throughout the project, the LUA is handled.

I'm seeking a proper and efficient source developer. My current project funding is just over 300$ and I can offer a couple months of hosting to properly get the donation and entire server from the group, now.. what this role entitles..

- Proper understanding of the source, and it's language. Which is C++, which I can tell that you're efficient at.
- Quick adaptation to the source.
- Understanding of the game FlyFF (quick 2-3 hour research and you'll understand the entire game).
- A VAST knowledge and understanding of C++.

I'm just recently retiring from another FlyFF server in which we were receiving just roughly 2,500 dollars a month, and that was with terrible management and not the greatest development.. plus, we did absolutely no advertising. I'll be in charge of most global endeavors such as advertisement - team management, the donation flow and team payment.

Since we're on the subject, my deal stands as this:

If you can efficiently adapt to the source and understand the way it works and flow within three weeks and begin projects on the fourth week, I'm prepared to offer you any and all donations that are given within the first month, minus, the server and web-server hosting costs. Now, you won't be alone on this.

FlyFF is broken into two sections, the source and the resource files. I'll be managing any and all resource files, and that's just how it works. You'll be doing the actual source programming (systems, dupe correction, massive game modifications) and our last programmer was absolutely brilliant, but he retired as he's been in the FlyFF scene for far too long.

As of now, the team consists of..

- A graphical artist who's above-average in: web design, banners, graphical design and server signatures. He's hard-working, doesn't go to school, and can design virtually anything.
- A web developer that's far, far, far above average in: PHP, .ASP, JavaScript and C#. He's gifted, he's young, but he's gifted. He's very good at security as well, he's able to determine locations of attack and he's good with analysis.
- A resource developer who handles and can do the resource work, that's me.

We had an expert source developer too, just graduated from college, but he received a full-time job at a local programming branch in his blue-core company and decided that the scene just wasn't worth it anymore. In total, you'll be receiving nearly 2,000 a month for your programming.. which should be anywhere from 15-30 hours of programming a week, with the time it'll take to understand the source and such.

We're a good team too, very close knit and understanding. We don't push deadlines, simply create them. Plus, we talk voice chat frequently, so updates and good knowledge are frequent. Now.. for some side-details.

We're called the Instinct Network, and we're planning on opening three branches, but not for quite some time. Minecraft, FlyFF and Runescape. FlyFF is our highest priority though, as it can draw the most money and fuel the entire network. The website is being coded and designed by Wafuz, our graphical artist/web developer, and Jacob is beginning the scripts (registration, ranking, forum integration, server integration).

We use the IPB forums, by the way. It's the only forum software we know, and the theme is easy to change. It's gonna flow with the website as well. Well, after all of this, what's your thoughts? I know you may find this project skeptical, and it's understandable. But why not take the chance? I'll be funding this to the best of my ability.

Thanks for your time, and I'd love to hear back from you.

Last edited on May 7, 2013 at 4:52pm
May 7, 2013 at 8:23pm
What exactly does your team produce?
May 7, 2013 at 9:51pm
Well, we develop a multitude of things, but as of now - emulators of MMORPG. If you need proof of the skill surrounding the team, don't hesitate to ask. I'll PM anyone that asks.

Massive knowledge surrounding C++ is required though.
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