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  • Need A C++ Inline Assembly Teacher!

Need A C++ Inline Assembly Teacher!

Apr 27, 2013 at 6:14pm
closed account (G309216C)

I am currently looking for teacher who know Inline Assembly x86. I need his\her to be has good & strong knowledge about Inline assembly and other various related subjects. I has compiled a list of needs:

1. Provides with homework every lesson
2. Excellent Programming techniques & methodology
3. Answers Student[s] question without having too much problem
4. Can teach without confusing the student
5. Communication must be strong
6. Can easily adapt to students conditions

What Student will give:

1. Completes all Assignments\ homework on time.
2. Will try level best to adapt to the teacher.
3. Try hard to study.
4. When a certain situation[s] arise, Student may ask a question or two
5. Will try best to close the communication gap between pupil & student
6. Respect the Teacher in every manner possible
7. Can communicate in various ways including Email,Skype,Team viewer,PM

If you are suitable for this Job, Please PM me about all the topic you will cover in Inline x86 Assembly.

Kind Regards,
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