General C++ Programming - September 2019 (Page 6)

Shell project for portfolio
Hello, I'm a student starting my 3rd year in CS. I haven't landed a job yet, so I have no experience apart from assignments given by the university, so I thoug...
[2 replies] Last: there is much OS and little C++ in a shell. Unless you go all-in, a ... (by jonnin)
Segfault while reading/writing to binary files
Hi guys, I'm using the g++ compiler on a Ubuntu virtual machine it could be 32 bit but not too sure on that one, any how, it( writing and reading from bin...
[6 replies] Last: > also lets say I wanted to create some c style strings on the stack i... (by ne555)
How would I convert a string to a float?
Having trouble converting a string to a float in main in this program. Using Visual Studio 2017. Any ideas how to proceed? //header file: Rectangle.h #ifn...
[17 replies] Last: > Only thing I need now is error checking for not accepting letters as... (by JLBorges)
by Frrag
Reading from file
Hello, I have problem with reading from the prices.txt file (file look like this) The problem is when I read the file I want to...
[1 reply] : Show us what you've tried. (by Ganado)
How to detect a text in output?
For example: I get output like this (2nd below) and I want to output cout << new8.xml <<endl; after. Is it possible? <file>new0.xml</file> ...
[10 replies] Last: Only if you can guarantee no one will EVER touch any of the files, els... (by Duthomhas)
Inheritance - 2 Classes - Questions
I am trying to learn more by practicing doing simple exercises on classes. - I have made a Player class which is player.h and player.cpp. - I have made Enem...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> struct properties // properties common to more ... (by JLBorges)
lengthly example on how to make save points please
Hi, I would like to know how to make save points in a script so the saved data can be accessed at a later time, i would like to see the code and examples of use...
[3 replies] Last: Create a struct or class that holds your data. Create read(istream&) a... (by dhayden)
creating a tron game in c++
hey guys hit a bit of a challenge. i am writing code to to create a tron game. i have it all functioning and working fine however i need to add a function that...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for that, solved the problem. cant believe i missed that thanky... (by willz100)
Cannot read string with space by using getline
void Product::Input() { SetName(); SetProductionYear(); SetOriginalPrice(); } void Product::SetName() { cout << "Ten san pham: "; std::getline(std::cin...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks you guys it actually worked perfectly like what #fiji885 said. ... (by PoorBoiz)
by herad
Counting number of repeating characters in a string?
If I got a string like "bookkeeper", how can I count the number of following characters that are repeating? I would get an output like this: "1b2o2k2e1p1e1r" H...
[4 replies] Last: Yes , that helped fix the problem. Thanks very much Albatross. (by herad)
how to put file or files on usb drive for other computer use
hi everyone, how do i copy a file( or files ) on a main computer and paste it on a usb drive to be used on a different computer, all help is appreciated, thank...
[5 replies] Last: tried it, Ganado, it worked, thank you, copied and pasted it (by nubcakeTotal)
Test driver development questions and which book to read?
Hello! I want to learn test-driven development but I can't find any resources on the internet (to worth at least). Is there a good book that can teach me tha...
[4 replies] Last: I still don't get how to design this if most of the classes have comp... (by MikeyBoy)
Advanced C++ exercises.
Hello everyone. I'm a computer engineering student, actually on the third semester. By now I think I can code in a pretty good level using c++. But I would like...
[12 replies] Last: I've pretty much dropped GCC from my builds these days, except as requ... (by Duthomhas)
I have problems for calling a function. I don't quite understand why it couldn't work
void Order::Input() { Product::Input(); cout << "So luong: ";// quantity cin >> quantity_; cout << endl; cout << "Gia ban: ";//sell price per product cin...
[6 replies] Last: #coder777 Thanks a lot now I understand. (by PoorBoiz)
Access row in vector<vector<int>>
I'm stuck on an innocuous problem that just isn't going away. Consider this: class Trollop { vector<vector<int>> M; public: Trollop::Trollop(unsigne...
[15 replies] Last: In one of my other projects, where I was implementing the same sort of... (by VMsrVT2Tyc)
GCC 9.2.0 C++ and Threading Building Blocks (1,2)
I have installed GCC 9.2.0 C++ compiler on Windows 10 Laptop. g++-9.2.0 command is working fine and compiling C++ programs from cygwin64 terminal window. Then ...
[21 replies] Last: As shown below, I have commented out TBB specific code and re-built an... (by AlexCantor)
Could anyone explain the problem that I have here. I think I don't have enough understand about class
#pragma once #include "product.h" class Order : private Product { private: int quantity_; // So luong san pham int sell_price_; // Gia ban moi san pham pub...
[3 replies] Last: #ne555 #Albatross oh I see, I just forgot that GetVAT() just a functi... (by PoorBoiz)
by M22878
Display a color for each audio file?
I have this little program I made that randomly plays audio files. Does anyone know the easiest way to display a full-screen hex background color in the termina...
[5 replies] Last: Okay, I will try that. But how do I assign each color to an audio fil... (by MikeyBoy)
C++ Epochs
I want to share the new CppCast episode: Rob and Jason are joined by Vittorio Romeo from Bloomberg. They first di...
[no replies]
by frek
Cross work
Hi all, Where to find a cross work job for a C++/Qt programmer? What are the best ones in your points of view please?
[2 replies] Last: Yes, I mean to get hired and work remotely for a company. For the prob... (by frek)
September 2019 Pages: 1... 4567
  Archived months: [aug2019] [oct2019]

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