General C++ Programming - September 2018 (Page 6)

simple question about copy constructors
Hello everyone! I have a very simple question. If you execute this simple code : #include <iostream> #include <vector> class Example { public: ...
[3 replies] Last: Actually I don't know that I am right ... I'm sure that the issue is t... (by lastchance)
Problem with recursion
I'm getting this error and have no clue how to solve it it's probably one of my curly braces but can't pinpoint it Error main function must return a value He...
[1 reply] : @Fundoram, You will get more attention if you put code in code tags - ... (by lastchance)
by RCane
Class constructor with struct as argument
I am trying to use a constructor that has a Struct as an argument - unsuccessfully. The TESTER constructor with the Business struct as an argument doesn't provi...
[1 reply] : TESTER(Business Business) The name of the var must be different from... (by Thomas1965)
My try Again Loop is not working correctly
My programs test to see if the user input is a well formed formula. My try again loop in my code does the loop but it skips the user input and goes straight ...
[5 replies] Last: so the output is suppose to just rerun the program asking for another ... (by nightskyxXx)
Calculating if circles are touching, not touching, or overlapping using class Circle
So i'm in a pickle, i'm trying out how to use my preset values that I used for the two circles? I have listed the values in main. I have a function called getD ...
[2 replies] Last: if (getD == c2.getRadius + c3.getRadius ) Hi, Equality is problema... (by TheIdeasMan)
Reverse and changing case in the For loop...
The program should be in "For loop":
[2 replies] Last: joee, you haven't shown any effort in attempts to solve this problem, ... (by Ganado)
solve the linear equation
I am trying to solve the linear equation A.x=C. I created the matrix as shown below to find the x. When I increase the dimension (n) to for example n=100000, I ...
[8 replies] Last: As @helios and @ganado have shown you, you cannot afford to store a ma... (by lastchance)
Partial differential equation
I am trying to solve a Partial differential equation using finite difference method in c++. is there any library to use for solving PDE in c++
[3 replies] Last: It's a 2-d diffusion equation (if A, B, C are positive). Look up Crank... (by lastchance)
by rcx11
error: invalid user defined conversion
I'm attempting to implement a lambda to return the largest number of characters in an arbitrary group of strings. As each call of to the lambda may be different...
[9 replies] Last: I think I was too hasty to make that claim. In any event, "generic" ... (by mbozzi)
How to make objects without calling parameterised constructors?
How to make objects of a class without calling parameterised constructors? I have only one parameterised constructor but don't want to call it when I don't need...
[1 reply] : You need to create an default constructor - either with no parameters ... (by Thomas1965)
C++ Char Start with [P] and Convert
C++ Version 11 How to start basic code for below code? The program should be in the loop. If the first character is the letter lowercase g then....
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> // std::cout #include <sstream> // std::... (by homy18)
Hi I have a program that can use an odd or even amount of threads - based on a passed in parameter - being used on any run of the program. If each thread fe...
[2 replies] Last: Ok that makes sense. So what path would I follow in order to make ea... (by parallx)
overloading the + operator
Hi I need to overload a + operator to assign memory in a 1D array of pointers. operator+: This operator adds a team of gladiators by receiving an array o...
[7 replies] Last: The spec doesn't ask for any checks. It only asked for checks in the d... (by parallx)
Another Boolean algebra question,
Hi guys, so I'm almost finished my computer science degree and I'm going back to some basics,in order to become a better programmer I would like to understan...
[13 replies] Last: thanks Helios, I'm surprised I even knew this stuff to begin with :o ... (by adam2016)
SetFocus after text
Hi, I made a txtfield form with text inside i want to SetFocus into this txtfield but after the written texts My problem: When I setfocus, it aims in the e...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you!!!!!! WORKED <3 (by alesandro676)
Hit Enter in Textfield
Hello, I've created a window via CreateWindowEx Problem is, I can't detect hitting enter in a txtfield Enter can only be detected in the window form, but not ...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you!! (by alesandro676)
Help in this shuffling question!
Consider the following algorithm, which generates a (not necessarily uniformly) random permutation of numbers 1 through N: P := [1, 2, ..., N] for i in 1..N d...
[4 replies] Last: My program will not work for N == 17, as that would require around ~35... (by Ganado)
by lo2
Best way of solving linear equations
Hi there, I have a program where I am doing some weighted least squares, and for that I need to solve a system of linear equations. I have tried doing thi...
[9 replies] Last: @lo2 Here is a naive implementation of the QR factorisation described ... (by lastchance)
How can I make class to accept array of variables?
How can I make my C++ class to accept Array of variables? Like this: Vertex<float> vertex = { 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 };
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Putarda)
boolean algebra(circuits)
Hi guys, so I have taken the time to go back and study some computer architecture,I am on the first chapter and doing boolean algebra,using boolean algebra to ...
[5 replies] Last: Wrong AB+A'C (by lastchance)
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