by JM567
Assigning Char Array to Value
[5 replies] Last: C structs with C strings are easier and more efficient to serialize an... (by jonnin)
Ambiguity while moving seekg() |
[1 reply] : // seek to -std::streampos{sizeof ah} bytes before the current input ... (by mbozzi)
by Dum
Table game
[9 replies] Last: ¿what pattern did you observe? (by ne555)
by Student1904
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T, size... (by tpb)
by JM567
Trim Field of Spaces for Incoming Text File
[2 replies] Last: I want it to erase all the necessary spaces and replace it with one sp... (by JM567)
by JM567
Call function from function - how to pass correctly
[2 replies] Last: I had to redo it because my question changed, and so the first title w... (by JM567)
by froyd
C++ Program that will be able to ask the user the coefficients of 4 linear equations.
[5 replies] Last: thanks keskiverto, I will try to do this, any idea for a start is re... (by froyd)
by mbozzi
C++17 "using" syntax with commas
[1 reply] : Thank you, I did not know this :) (by Ganado)
by JM567
Open Two Files Using Same In Stream
[1 reply] : Do not doublepost (create multiple threads about same problem). That s... (by keskiverto)
by Student1904
[3 replies] Last: Okay, should I sent n equal to another variable (for example: int n2 ... (by Repeater)
by XachoTxa
I'm having trouble with my work some assistance would be appreciated
[1 reply] : > Write a program that reads two fractions // Prompt user for the ... (by ne555)
by italo08
TicTacToe C++
[1 reply] : missing headers, post a compilable example. (by ne555)
by parallx
Vigenere Cipher
[18 replies] Last: Alrighty. So i managed to get the codeword to be the length of the p... (by parallx)
by dianafred
How to read data in files and extract numbers?
[2 replies] Last: @lastchangce thank you for your reply I am learning OpenFOAM and C++ ... (by dianafred)
by Carlos2047
using pointers to populate a dynamic array
[9 replies] Last: it's always the simplest little things that get past me. Thank you so ... (by Carlos2047)
by FinalCut
Avoid halting the program with getline()
[12 replies] Last: It is very much possible to do this, but it requires OS-specific code ... (by Duthomhas)
by spam291203
How shall I implement this for larger numbers?
[4 replies] Last: plzz give me the output for n=4,n=5,n=6 maybe i'll give you the whole ... (by ffloyd)
by technologist
where are values coming from ?
[11 replies] Last: Don't know what the problem was, but the program is functioning just f... (by technologist)
by Juggler91
C++ to Excel VBA
[2 replies] Last: everything I see in this program is doable in excel, with pretty much ... (by jonnin)
by ames1951
For loop executes but does not seem to be calculating correctly
[1 reply] : Hello, Please use code tags when posting. int purchasePrice; int p... (by alonso12)