General C++ Programming - September 2014 (Page 12)

by anhnha
function in C++
Hi, I am new to C++ and please help me with some problems. Here is a code that I am confused. struct SFoo { //... }; class CFoo { //... ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, MiiNiPaa. I have no problem with whitespaces in a + b but i... (by anhnha)
by nicow
Couldn't deduce template parameter for integer
Hello everybody, I have the defined a class Seconds with a template<int,int> constructor. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get an instance. Here's the clas...
[4 replies] Last: Just made both my mistake and std::ratio much clearer. Thanks so much. (by nicow)
New to C++.. need a little help
Hi there, I'm somewhat new to C++ and need a little help finishing this program.. So what it basically does is generate all possible combinations in a lottery ...
[1 reply] : Show your GetNumbers() function EDIT: line 128: syntax error. This co... (by MiiNiPaa)
by AceK
C++ on the Web
hi there guys, I want to develop a C++ program that can be accessed via the web. I cannot use scripting languages because I need to handle the users memory dire...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for your reply but I need to develop this program now, so ca... (by AceK)
for loops help...
I want to create a specific number of for loops each in another loop, as in example: for(i=0;i<9;i++) { for(j=0;j<9;j++) { for(k=0;k<9;k...
[2 replies] Last: Cool! thanks! (by hakeris1010)
-_-tools for obfuscate(compress | pack) C++ Portable Executeable(PE) files-_- Is there a program like smartassembly(an obfuscator program for .Net Programs) for C++(Vis...
[11 replies] Last: Thank you people for the help, I think my situation is not important a... (by Silverlight)
by judo11
How do I use getline with switch statement?
I have a problem with the switch statement because it doesn't prompt me to input something. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include<cstring> usin...
[5 replies] Last: lisura pud sabton ana uie. (by judo11)
What does a virtual function really do?
Hello. I'm confused on what a virtual function really does. So far, I've learned that a virtual function lets the computer decide which function to execute base...
[1 reply] : These articles can be helpful to you: (by MiiNiPaa)
Hello. Why should we cast the vector type as a pointer to a class when dealing with Polymorphism? //class A: virtual string toString(){/*Do stuff*/} //...
[1 reply] : Because only pointers or references preserve actual type of underlying... (by MiiNiPaa)
by zxrp
Operater Overloading for Matrices
Hey guys, I want to implement operator overloading for +=, so that the following arethmetic is possible for matrices: matrix += matrix Here is how I have defi...
[7 replies] Last: @OP //ADDITION ASSIGNMENT Matrix operator+= ( const Matrix& m1, cons... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
C++ with QT?
How do I make GUIs in QT? I have looked at tutorials, but I do not have the same version and cannot do the same things.
[11 replies] Last: What version of creator are you using? File > New File or Project... ... (by admkrk)
Short changed
I'm trying to create a simple change sorter program, everything is functioning properly expect for the part that's suppose to detect quarters. Example of curre...
[16 replies] Last: The problem with your program is due to the mixed units and using inte... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Class not seen by compiler???
Hey, I have an issue. VS 2013 isn't recognizing objects that I've declared when I use class functions. I'm getting this error: "Line 14 and 15: Error C2228: l...
[9 replies] Last: From the tutorial ( ) T... (by Danny Toledo)
how many streams with a file?
I wanted to know if i could use two streams with a file fstream fS; ifstream read;"text.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::app);"text.t...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for the replies, but its our tutor desires (by csstudent123)
error: variable or field declared void
hello why I am getting this error error: variable or field createBinaryFile declared void void createBinaryFile(std::fstream&, std::ifstream&);
[2 replies] Last: I included #include <fstream> and its working, thanks (by csstudent123)
Class Problem
I'm creating a class and a user defined library and also creating a text file. I tried to call the functions but having lots of errors. Here is the program: ...
[1 reply] : I don't use templates, but from what I remember, you cant name your cl... (by poteto)
enable_if with variadic template arguments
I have: template <typename FIRST, typename... REST, typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<FIRST, Base*>::value>::type* = nullptr> void foo (FIRST fir...
[7 replies] Last: The way I accomplished that was by using template template parameters.... (by LB)
Using C++ to stream data
Hello all I am trying to build a C++ program to get data from any kinda stocks and shares website and then tinker around with that data. Put on graphs, avera...
[5 replies] Last: Or instead of grepping the kitchen sink you could use the tools provid... (by Computergeek01)
How to check if process loaded completely?
For example, I have a game loading to start up .. How can I check if it completely loaded?
[1 reply] : I don't understand. This process is specific to your game. Are the spr... (by MrHutch)
Shouldn't a for loop which loops 10 time have a greater runtime than a for loop with 5 loops? If so, how come am I getting the same result in both cases?? i...
[2 replies] Last: I've tested it by printing the result, and so no of the values gets di... (by DrJones)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 28
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