General C++ Programming - October 2018 (Page 9)

Are static members available in new operator for a class?
I have a memory manager class for every class in my project. Example: class MyClass { private: class Allocator : BaseAllocator { public: Allocator(); ...
[1 reply] : Duh... nevermind. I am used to C#. Forgot the public keyword in fron... (by primem0ver)
by stav
Mingw - application unable to start
Hi im using mingw and im trying to link with glew the problem is that after compilation when i try to run the binary it gives me the following error: ...
[2 replies] Last: ah i figured it out, i was just being stupid. After downloading depend... (by stav)
Need help calling functions
int determineDay(int month, int day, int year) { char slash_dummy; cout << "Enter your date of birth" << endl; cout << "format : month / day / year--> "; ...
[2 replies] Last: Excuse my friend here hes new to human interaction. Return statement... (by bradltr95)
If then statement not working as intended, involving logical operators.
I'm am working on an assignment that involves if and then statements as well as logical operators. My objective is to write a code for the price of pet tags....
[2 replies] Last: Thank You!! I know this probably means nothing here, but- +rep (by altbrian)
Generate a set of random numbers in the range of 50-100 and, for each set, count how many values fall into particular ranges
I almost have it, but the calculation is off when I try sorting the numbers into group. Any help would be greatly appreciated. int main(){ int i; ...
[3 replies] Last: @doug thanks for your help I really appreciate it (by MrSkinflute)
Molecular Dynamics problem
I'm trying to do this question and I can not figure out how to. Molecular dynamics is a computer simulation method for studying the physical movements of...
[1 reply] : Double-post, see (by Repeater)
Facing error saying something about an 'unqualified Id'
#include<stdio.h> int add(int a,int b); int main(void) { int a,b,c; scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); c=add(a,b); printf("sum is %d",c); return 0; } int ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks mate made my day. (by pavankumardss)
how can i transfer the dayOfWeek variable to printDayOfBirth?
int determineDay(int month, int day, int year) { char slash_dummy; cout << "Enter your date of birth" << endl; cout << "format : month / day / year--> "; ...
[3 replies] Last: In addition to keskivertos answer my two cents: I assume there is a g... (by plexus)
std::sort behaves different
Vector containing pairs of int64_t and a string, on two different systems a std::sort is run on the vector and where the int64_t is the same the order is differ...
[5 replies] Last: Whoops, I had deleted my post right before you replied after realizing... (by Ganado)
I need to write a program that figures out how many prime numbers exist within an arbitrary, random range of numbers.
#include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; int main() { srand(time(NULL)); int lowerLimit = -(rand() % 100 + 1); int upperLimit = ...
[3 replies] Last: The only way to know the number of primes in any given range is to cou... (by Duthomhas)
executables on other machines
Hi guys, so I probably should know this by now but I seem to be a little unclear, lets say if I compile a program on a 32 bit mingw compiler on windows fo...
[11 replies] Last: Missed that ARM == AMD's cpu Huh? As far as I know, all windows mac... (by helios)
by rcx11
Protected members "not declared in this scope" in derived classes
So, I'm working with inheritance for the first time. The concept and implementation seemed pretty straight forward after reviewing the tutorial on this site. Ho...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah, I realized after doug4's original post that I wouldn't need that... (by rcx11)
which is the best way to convert a wstring to a string? (1,2)
Hi, This is my attempt at converting a wstring to a string: // convert wstring to string inline std::string to_string(const std::wstring& str, const std::l...
[22 replies] Last: Thanks to all your help, I have solved the problem I had. The final ve... (by JUAN DENT)
by Manga
static member inside of class in vector
I am testing a static variable inside of a class. I want it to count the number of instances of the class. Then I want to put my class into an array. At the cr...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks. (by Manga)
text does not appear on screen
hi guys, I'm having a problem with SDL_ttf I am trying to display text to the screen but to no avail,the ttf font is in the same folder as my project and I kno...
[1 reply] : **resolved sorry guys I forgot to create a texture from the surface... (by adam2016)
illegal else without matching if
bool isGregorianDate(int month, int day, int year) { if (year > 1752) { if (((((month - 1) % 2 == 0) && (month < 8)) || (month >= 8 && month <= 12 && month...
[2 replies] Last: You have an extra open parenthesis on the line that says else if ( ( ... (by tpb)
Coroutine implementation in c++
I am trying to implement coroutines (had to reinvent the wheel as part of my project) in c++. Every coroutine is an instance of a workpackage class and stored...
[7 replies] Last: Each Pthread(Core) has two queues. One is where normal "running" coro... (by helios)
Usage of references as parameters
I've been working through "C++ Primer (5th Edition)" and stumbled upon a predicament: how do I know when to use a reference as a parameter? For example, in the...
[4 replies] Last: Also, see the relevant section of the Core Guidelines: https://github.... (by mbozzi)
Changing public members inside a class
I'm having 4 files : 1.) new.h - where I have declared my variables and only method #ifndef NEW_H #define NEW_H #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks much @Ganado , @doug4 I understand What I'm doing wrong and th... (by Graindor)
How C++ represents inherintance in memory?
How is the multiple inheritance of c++ classes represented in memory? How does this work whit casting? Thanks for the help...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the examples, they were very useful. Also the reference to ... (by cbermudez)
October 2018 Pages: 1... 78910
  Archived months: [sep2018] [nov2018]

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