by volang
Receive "at char" as "@" instead of "%40"
[1 reply] : That's the way it is supposed to work. You need to url-decode the stri... (by Duthomhas)
by cmisip
Building a fast "blobbing" algorithm
[15 replies] Last: explain your implementation My naive implementation is the code in... (by cmisip)
by darrionkg
How do I make this for loop work
[1 reply] : Maybe something like this. #include <iostream> using namespace std;... (by tpb)
by sonia123
[1 reply] : I need to change the array into a vector Student s ; becomes std... (by Repeater)
by Salsa Boy
How to build a program with SDL2
[8 replies] Last: Well you are gonna need to figure it out yourself then. (by poteto)
by Trev
window not declared in this scope
[4 replies] Last: I was really surprised when you said "SFML 5.2", but then realized you... (by Ganado)
by even better
program to ask for email and password
[1 reply] : Sending emails requires an external library. Google for "sending email... (by Thomas1965)
by wolfie16
KMP algorith with a vector
[1 reply] : Start by writing the KMP algorithm. Test it. Then call it with your ... (by dhayden)
by volang
Read from text file. Set position x y
[4 replies] Last: If you are allowed to use std::vector you can read all the lines into ... (by Thomas1965)
by volang
Creating GET/POST arrays
[9 replies] Last: Allright. Thank you all. I appreciate it (by volang)
by ssol
split words in file by using getline
[2 replies] Last: "It doesn't work" means nothing. The code you posted does exactly what... (by Duthomhas)
by Nick1245
C++ input and strings
[4 replies] Last: The purpose of assignments like this are to verify/enforce understandi... (by Duthomhas)
by lumbeezl
Std::bad_alloc on Windows 10 but not on Ubuntu
[15 replies] Last: You should only consider a different data structure if you need to fr... (by lumbeezl)
What is wrong with this metaprogram?
[7 replies] Last: Got it!! Thanks mbozzi! (by JUAN DENT)
by ImAllThumbs
Need some help debugging a program in C++
[6 replies] Last: Checking all the failbits gives the same side effect of checking eof (... (by poteto)
by altbrian
Ignoring a value with a while statement
[2 replies] Last: While that would be correct, my assignment does ask for "appropriate w... (by altbrian)
by swahajali
Can anyone teach me how to code this program
[2 replies] Last: sir,problem was that how to to pass 2D array which is created my smart... (by swahajali)
How to link 2 exe projects in visual studio |
[no replies]
by IceHawk19
Unknown errors in a class with multiple constructors and deep copying
[1 reply] : please delete the duplicated post (by ne555)
Passing by reference issue |
[3 replies] Last: I personally wouldn't use a stack. I would just code it recursively. U... (by tpb)