General C++ Programming - October 2015 (Page 16)

by Egomar
Trying to get code to work for my guessing game. Please Help!
I keep getting stuck trying to get a the portion with a return variable to work. Not sure if I am doing it right or not. I had the program working before I add...
[6 replies] Last: Show your latest code at the EXACT error messages. (by AbstractionAnon)
Phone Number List C++
Write a simple telephone directory program in C++ that looks up phone numbers in a file containing a list of names and phone numbers. The user should be prompte...
[5 replies] Last: I 'm trying.. (by Ericool)
by OJ123
im a little stuck
i cant find the problem #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; { //start of program int main; int pr...
[10 replies] Last: all working now cheers for the help (by OJ123)
Could someone explain this program?
The following is a homework assignment. There are certain functions in this program that I don't fully understand, as I had to get partial help at a tutoring ce...
[5 replies] Last: Have you take a look in the memcpy implementation ? (by Ericool)
I'm a
ok guys i'm new in this world of programming and this is one of my first programms is ever did so please help me... it keeps saying "lvalue required as left ope...
[2 replies] Last: Please edit your post and make sure your code is [co de]between cod... (by LB)
Compare Errors in Microsoft Maths
I have a library function RoundDouble() which takes a double value and rounds to 2DP. This is mostly use for display and other applications where trimming is re...
[3 replies] Last: Casting away the decimal places is definitely not ideal. There are exi... (by LB)
threads programming
goodafternoon everybody.i am trying to create threads with Pthread library.i wrote my code and complided it.after compiling it i goet following syntax errors. ...
[3 replies] Last: Unless low-level, platform-specific functionality is required (for ins... (by JLBorges)
Finding the shortest path with possibility of removing an edge
I was wondering if I can modify Dijkstra’a Alghorithm in this way: Let’s say there are 2 paths between two vertices with following lengths: 5, 8, 6, 9 /...
[3 replies] Last: let me see if understand. you've got a teletransporter that would make... (by ne555)
[5 replies] Last: Good point about the ceiling :-} (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
int not converting to char
Hi! Can somebody tell me how to cast an int as a char so that 6 give '6' instead of '\x6' I cannot use any labrary other then cstdio Thank
[2 replies] Last: The trick is to add '0'. int num = 6; char ch = num + '0'; // ch = ... (by dhayden)
Insert in tree problem.
So I'm trying to insert an object into a tree, the object contains a string that I will be using to search for nodes in the tree and do comparisons for and a ve...
[6 replies] Last: hmm I think a better question to ask is how would I be able to insert... (by dhayden)
by Stuni
Selection Sort two stacks without arrays
Hello guys i have a course work where i have to sort two stacks with Selection Sort, but it's forbidden to use arrays.I have already thought an algorithm but it...
[3 replies] Last: You may count the frequency of the minValue, then push it that many ti... (by ne555)
Code::blocks compiling issue: error: call of overloaded `pow(int, int)' is ambiguous|
Hi Guys, I am trying to solve euler problem 184 for 2 weeks now. I was fisrt started to develop the code on DevC++, it was fine no errors I got. Then I switche...
[8 replies] Last: How would we know that since you did not show the declaration of them? (by AbstractionAnon)
Not returning how many days are in the month
When I use my switch function to try and return the number of days in a given month I don't see anything. If I enter a invalid month number I do see it say I...
[3 replies] Last: A few items: 1. What is the point of having the days member in yo... (by Alrededor)
by isanh
Strange coding error
Hello, I am coding a program that reads from a text file of multiple rows of numbers made up of 4 columns meant to represent 4 tests taken by multiple students ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! It works just fine now. I guess sometimes it's the ... (by isanh)
File I/O
Somebody help me with my project. All of the options work except for the "delete" book option. Whenever I use this code/function: system("erase bookfile.tx...
[2 replies] Last: How are you compiling this script? (by ochoaj)
by ochoaj
Iterators for a quadruply linked list
Hello so I am working on implementing a list which would fall under the category of a quadruply linked list. I class defining the nodes, iterators and list: t...
[3 replies] Last: No. It might make sense to want to iterate over every node in a graph... (by LB)
Call by reference or value?
I'm doing a class program and the output shows some garbage values so I figured some things needed to be call by reference but I'm not sure as to where. Sorry i...
[2 replies] Last: Hello dear cplusplus annoyed, the problom with the code is that you ne... (by ochoaj)
anyone please help me simple script
What's wrong ? I:\programmer>gcc a.c -o a a.c:1:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #Ô a.c:2:7: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribut...
[1 reply] : main must return int You have an invisible character between # ... (by LB)
Name and Grade Sorted Linked List
So far, I have the program to read in the max number of points, students name, and total grade. I have inserted the names and grades into a link list. The names...
[1 reply] : Input: 300 Taylor 287 Thomas 197 Brown 250 Lee ... (by stratos225HO)
October 2015 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 27
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