by yj1214
Assigning value and compare at the same time?
[2 replies] Last: y = 1 -> y is true y == functionThsat...() -> functionThat...() is tru... (by Ericool)
Why my tic tac toe program not working |
[2 replies] Last: in c/c++ element of array starts at 0. So if you said you array is of ... (by Ericool)
by Outlaw782
Do constructors need to take arguments?
[2 replies] Last: When calling this you wont need to enter any parameters because these... (by Ericool)
by jhnryntln
Challenge for everyone!
[4 replies] Last: Oh Sorry! (by jhnryntln)
by istemihan
Why doesn't this compilation end?
[4 replies] Last: @cire thank you so much! That was a silly mistake. (by istemihan)
by char123
[6 replies] Last: Okay think i got it ! (by char123)
by dracula1012
Null Cypher
[8 replies] Last: how about now? Well, it looks like the dereferencing breakthrough is... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by BK0523
Need Help Please
[5 replies] Last: Hi, Just be careful with equality operators with float s or double ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by vinny1
My Program will not compile
[6 replies] Last: std::vector<std::string> suits { "C", "D", "H", "S" }; Which compil... (by TheIdeasMan)
by firstlast
Remove if, all but one instance
[4 replies] Last: Many different ways... // #include <algori... (by cire)
by Bwoods
[2 replies] Last: Okay I fixed that. Now do you think you'd be able to assist me. And mi... (by Bwoods)
I'm really confused with the program |
[4 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by slick1015
Using Visual Studio as an IDE without making a solution?
[1 reply] : A project has to have a parent solution file, but you can just make in... (by LB)
by Aziz as
Scott Meyers' quote.
[2 replies] Last: This is the link of the t... (by Aziz as)
by keanedawg
"Delete[]" creates an infinite loop
[1 reply] : You have several places with undefined behavior: 1) You are creating ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by technologist
add to enum items
[11 replies] Last: You can't change that at runtime. Thank you now it makes sense to m... (by technologist)
by csstudent123
Accessing database from client using C++
[1 reply] : The database manages concurrent access for you. Look up "transactions"... (by LB)
by ay2306
directory for exe file.
[3 replies] Last: @hdj: Please read (by LB)
by lordnikon428
SDL with Visual Studio Community 2015
[5 replies] Last: [quote=lordnikon428]The only reason I am doing this is because trying ... (by LB)