General C++ Programming - October 2014 (Page 28)

Can I learn C++?
Hello I am interested in learning C++. I already learned HTML and CSS and I'm pretty good at both. Now I want to learn C++> Do you think I can? If so, recommend...
[3 replies] Last: You’ll need a textbook for learning C++. This is the case even when... (by JLBorges)
by razzm8
Need help with this.
Well im new in all this, i need help with this code.. i wanted to do, if the process is open, print something in console. But when i do that it says somet...
[3 replies] Last: You can use a loop to wait until iw3mp starts. // bool isRunning(..... (by liuyang)
Handling Static_Cast Failures
Write your question here. Is it possible to handle situations where static cast fails. I have a sample code written below, can someone help me in handling s...
[1 reply] : If static_cast fails you will get a compile error and the program ex... (by LB)
Vector of structures
Hey everyone, I was working on my assignment and ran into a little bit of a roadblock. So i need to add students into a vector of structs that looks like this....
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the response, can't believe I didn't catch that. (by MajorLeeHung)
declaring arrays
i need help with this Write a program which stores 10 decimal numbers in an array. For these numbers accept input from the users. Once the array is populated ...
[4 replies] Last: also done this way. one less for loop. #include <stdio.h> int main... (by closed account 1CfG1hU5)
Hi! I need to transfer files(mainly images) between 2 computers using their RAM with some kind of FTP. I'm using C++. I guess it's pretty a lot to explain so if...
[8 replies] Last: may have a free limited edition version (by closed account 1CfG1hU5)
This is my lab assignment!!
1. Determine the real root of f (x) = −26 + 85x − 91x^2 + 44x^3 − 8x^4 + x^5 : (a) Using the bisection method to determine the root to εs = 10%. (b) ...
[1 reply] : Why don't you try some coding first? People here can help you to fix e... (by liuyang)
by Mike92
Differ first and following
Hi guys I am stuck with an issue as I need to come up with a code such that the first time run it requires only a number and the following will be a number and ...
[3 replies] Last: void getCommand() { some code here ... } (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Classwork Help?
I need to write a program that gives this as the output: 3.1 3.14 3.142 3.1416 3.14159 3.141593 Please help, this is due in about 30 minutes. ...
[2 replies] Last: You must use setprecision etc in conjunction with std::fixed (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
setw Not Working
I cannot get the setw() code to work. Any help would be appreciated.
[1 reply] : (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Need Help with New C++ Program? Thanks.
Hello everyone, I'm new to C++ and this forum. I really need some help getting this code to work, but its not working the way I want it to. I cannot get the c...
[1 reply] : First thing- it won't compile because line 18 is invalid. Now, don't ... (by Ispil)
In this assignment we will learn more about frequency response by writing a C++ function. Your function should have the following prototype: std::vector<doubl...
[1 reply] : That is your homework description. Where is your code and what is you... (by keskiverto)
Programming Partner
Hey, I've been teaching myself programming for the last two years, and I've recently become fascinated with Alexander Stepanov's view on programming. I was h...
[2 replies] Last: I should be more specific and say they've influenced my style and view... (by rsouthee)
Roman Numeral Project using classes (1,2)
Here is the problem: "Write a program that converts a number entered in Roman numerals to a positive integer. Your program should consist of a class, say, roma...
[20 replies] Last: just taking those things off, fixed the program. Thanks for the help! (by dub1987)
by Won
Error: 0xC0000005
Hi! Since a few days I have had a new problem with my code. Before everything worked fine. Once the IDE crashed while I was running my program. OK, I started...
[2 replies] Last: The error may be because of a number of reasons. It represents an acce... (by Duthomhas)
Segmentation fault with vectors and iterators?
I am working on very large code.
[4 replies] Last: This is the biggest issue right here- once you use something like emp... (by larry burns)
Two Questions
I'm trying to get correct answers from my exam to study for a midterm: Write a function that returns the maximum value of an array of doubles. Declaration...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, OP does need to watch indentation and braces, but I don't think h... (by Duthomhas)
by Jweim
Not Getting Output Needed
Okay, So I have this program and it's trying to output the type of horse and then how much food it needs. However, the program won't execute when it gets the to...
[2 replies] Last: Nevermind. The problem is that the compiler doesn't interpret the code... (by dhayden)
Using setfill()
How is setfill() used? I am trying to use it for a school assignment, but it is not doing anything.
[1 reply] : Learn to use references: (by MiiNiPaa)
Find the average score, highest score, lowest score
So this is my assignment, Create a 1-D Array to hold a set of exam scores: 55 74 93 84 64 72 69 78 87 84 72 33 83 68 62 51 88 90 Write a program to d...
[1 reply] : I'd say its because you're never actually comparing the exam scores in... (by TheKingOfTyrants)
October 2014 Pages: 1... 2627282930... 38
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