General C++ Programming - October 2014 (Page 2)

need help
expected class-name before '{' token here is the class: #ifndef STUDENT_H_INCLUDED #define STUDENT_H_INCLUDED #include "TA.h" #include <iostream> ...
[4 replies] Last: Ty lazaro and mike for your time i solved the problem.........i remove... (by mr kutch)
Rule or Rules of evaluation in C++
hi. Is there any Rule or Are there any Rules of evaluation in C++ ? This will help me code with in depth understanding contrast to hastily coding and try/debug...
[5 replies] Last: thanks (by csstudent123)
recursion problems i need
hey guys i have a question about recursion. ive been trying to learn it for a while now and i got stuck in this codes i dont understand why when i run t...
[3 replies] Last: No. Consistency is required. Your function -- if we call it with valu... (by keskiverto)
Output Unicode Number?
How do I output a Unicode number if I extract a character off a console or out of a file. If I do the below, I use the Unicode number to show a character. Th...
[3 replies] Last: char cannot hold unicode points. What happened is a lucky combination ... (by MiiNiPaa)
First Steps
"Hello World", I am in 3rd Semester(1st half of 2nd year) studying Applied Informatics. I knew some C and C++ before studying, but other than console orient...
[1 reply] : Well, the easiest ways are to use the libraries that have already been... (by Pured)
by Anakin
how to sort? (1,2)
Hi all; I should sort an array of mixed float and integer numbers by merge method, and using the pointers to sort that mix array. i have no idea how to use poi...
[23 replies] Last: by searching I found my problem and fixed it , thank you all for your ... (by Anakin)
Searching in Data file handling in c++
i am not able to search more than 11 or 12 records in dfh after 11 or 12 records there is output which is not desirable,like a output is unncessory charactors,b...
[no replies]
Problem reading from file
Hello everyone, i have this code, but when i tried to read from the file, it crash. this is my code. When im using nombre as char, it works, but when string it...
[9 replies] Last: thanks @Pured , it was so easy, i feel so stupid :-/ (by dualdark)
by Pured
Overloading operator << for use with iterator and array
Hello, I need help with an error with my overloaded operator <<. The following works for my vector which uses array indexing to output the object, but the set ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, norm. I was struggling for such a long time, yet that's all... (by Pured)
VS2012 Compile as x64
I apologize for my lack of knowledge but that's why i'm here. I am a .net developer don't all boo and hiss... :-) but am working on a project with MS Host Integ...
[4 replies] Last: Apparently, this can happen if _X86_ is in the list of predefined macr... (by helios)
looped in loop
i have the following program int a,b=100; do { cin>>a; cout<<endl; b=b-a; cout<<b; } while(b>=0); { cout<<"0"; } } but my problem is t...
[3 replies] Last: You need to check it before you decrement it. if(b-a<0) b=0; els... (by Pured)
by Pured
Overloading comparison operators for use in a Set
Hello, I have a small piece of code that used the set::insert function on a set of myClass. For that, I need to overload the < and > operators, which I have, bu...
[5 replies] Last: @LB, Wow. That was all it needed. Thank you very much! (by Pured)
Bubble sort strings from a 2D array.
Hello, I have a project where I have to create a Bubble sort that will ask the user to input names and then print the names out, sort them, and print them ou...
[no replies]
Returning a template pack nested N-dimensionally in another pack
To explain this question, let me jump straight to main() and my current output: struct Base {}; struct A : Base { A() {std::cout << "A";} }; struct B : Ba...
[10 replies] Last: Inspired by JLBorges' method with his design, I've solved my original ... (by prestokeys)
C++/CLI Separating .h and .cpp files
Hi I need to develop a GUI application using c++. My knowledge in c++ is good but I never used GUIs before. I searched and found that Windows Forms would be go...
[2 replies] Last: form2.h #pragma once #include "form1.h" namespace Assignment3UI ... (by pringly)
by Kauto
Union Find trouble
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cassert> using namespace std; void main () { ifstream input; int n,p,q; int *id,*size; int coun...
[1 reply] : ifstream is by default set to ios::in so that's not necessary on line ... (by soranz)
Homework question regarding Time
I am making a class called Time in C++ and the class has 3 integers as private member variables. I am pretty new at using classes in C++ and am trying to figure...
[no replies]
std::vector? updated
Since you have a running program, you only need to change the private variables in the header files and the code in the cpp files for the primary indexes so the...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for your help. I finished it and turned in the assignment yeste... (by bwilson1)
by Gyiove
DispatchMessage taking frames away while moving window
Hi everyone! lets start with the code: while(run) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, win->win_handle,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message==WM_QUIT) ...
[1 reply] : hm, anyone? :/ (by Gyiove)
Hi, I do not want the user to be prompted to key in the first number and second number when the user keys in other than 1-5. It should show "Invalid choice" ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by missjune)
October 2014 Pages: 1234... 38
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