General C++ Programming - October 2012 (Page 7)

public class member
I am trying to send some variable into a public class member. I have 3 variables say x, y ,z. I want to have them as a class' member. Then i will restore the...
[3 replies] Last: sınıf is a class. sınıf1 is an object. When you pass an object to ... (by Peter87)
Calculator performs basic arithmetic and uses variables
I have a working calculator , token and a balanced parentheses file. this is my file #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <math.h> usi...
[3 replies] Last: You will have to write it yourself, in your code. (by closed account 9y8C5Di1)
Comfuse qsort function
qsort has this format: void qsort ( void * base, size_t num, size_t size, compare) and these are the description of the first 3 parameters, ignore compare f...
[2 replies] Last: (by Duthomhas)
structures functions
Corporate Data Sales Write a program that uses a structure named CorpData to store the following information on a company division. Division Name(North, S...
[6 replies] Last: You seem to have changed so much between the first and second versions... (by kbw)
Ouput to text file as a paragraph instead of vertical and horizontal line?
I'm writing a program that get integers from a text file and ouputs it to another but when i ouput it, the integers are in vertical form: 78796 117894 109974...
[1 reply] : You will want to count how many times you output a number and print an... (by IceThatJaw)
PLEASE help with this program!
Please help with the following program (I am totally unprepared for this class and have no idea where to start!): Write a program that can be used to assign se...
[1 reply] : The issue here isn't programming; it's problem-solving. You need to s... (by Moschops)
by BandK
string question :/
I have string example = "something" How to add to this variable example 10 blank spaces? This would be result example = "something "
[5 replies] Last: Yes..Thank you :) (by BandK)
file program
Program to read name,age and phne nmbr of 5 person from a file and to display detailed information of the youngest person??? Please provide the solution
[2 replies] Last: I would first create a Person class. If you want to use this approach ... (by IceThatJaw)
Do/While Loop not working
Can someone help me understand why this do/while loop isn't working. I want it to stop when at least one random number in each one of the vectors is the same as...
[2 replies] Last: Worked! Thanks a lot (by johnhisenburg)
by BandK
2d string array
I have 2d string array named X . If i put in X text how to check that in X is text... example... if(in X is text){ }
[2 replies] Last: Thank you :) (by BandK)
by BandK
char array...easy question :/
I have char example ; in this char is some text of lenght 8. How to put behind this text 10 empty spaces?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you :) (by BandK)
Fstream: Returning even integers to txt?
I'm writing a program that returns the even integers from a txt file containing even and odd intgers to a new txt file. But i'm have trouble returning the even ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! I figured it out later but thank you for the reply. (by rvbplayer123)
Prime Number using while loop only
I have to write a program to find "1" to "n" prime numbers using while loop. "n" is the number entered by the user. e.g. If n=8, it should print first 8 prime...
[13 replies] Last: @TheIdeasMan yeah i accedently made the 'perfect squares' one :P , my... (by brandonator)
Database Problem (Should be Simple)
Hi everyone. I have little idea how databases are usually done, but I figured I'd try to write an advanced I/O database in C++, but I wanted to make a database ...
[8 replies] Last: It does, I initially didn't see the default since you had it in the d... (by naraku9333)
My function is not working properly, please help
I'm currently in a predicament where i'm trying to get the program to test if the user picked fire, water, and nature, and if its not any of those, have it go t...
[5 replies] Last: yes that would fail because it would miss the fourth statement Alx101,... (by brandonator)
Problems with outputing data from a text file
Hi all, I really need some help and real fast. I am trying to simply display data from a textfile. Here is just some of the textfile Inventory.txt Nokia Lumia ...
[15 replies] Last: I am trying to create a delete function that deletes an item from the ... (by ritchson101)
by BandK
Please help
Please help :( This is what i want... empty string is what bothering me... How to put string in right pleace... #inc...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you :D (by BandK)
passing an ofstream as a void* to a callback function
I want to pass an ofstream as a void pointer but, I do not know how to recast it as a ofstream. this is what I tried: static int cb_xml_ouput(void * ofs, int...
[no replies]
template <class recType, int bTreeOrder> struct bTreeNode { int recCount; recType list[bTreeOrder - 1]; bTreeNode *children ; }; The abov...
[no replies]
STL issue
I had come over another issue with STL. I am trying to write a program that takes a number 'n' (1 <= n <= 10.000) and prints the "decomposition into prime fact...
[2 replies] Last: Firstly, I guess you'd be amazed to find out that my OS is the brand n... (by jumper007)
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