General C++ Programming - October 2012 (Page 41)

c++ a program
can someone give me an idea of where to start from or what to do in this coursewor, don't get me wrong l am not saying do my work for me, l am only totally con...
[1 reply] : Break the problem up into smaller pieces (and where convenient use a f... (by buffbill)
Linked List memory leak
So, I'm implementing mergesort using Nodes and Linked Lists. Running my program through valgrind, all of my leaks originate from my merge function. LList<int>...
[1 reply] : I don't see any leaks here. Perhaps it's in the code that is calling ... (by Disch)
Trying to use class files, getting "undefined reference to `WinMain@16'" error
I am building an application that calculates travel time necessary to reach a user selected destination from predetermined city based upon an estimated travel s...
[2 replies] Last: I see, thanks for the advice. (by TheNotoriousWMB)
Function (How Can You Put a Predefined Power function in a function)
What I am trying to do with this function is determine the calories required for the Basal Metabolic Rate using this formula. Basal Metabolic Rate : Calories...
[5 replies] Last: I figured it out! thanks anyways! (by insane24illusions)
Rounding up to the .5
Looking to write a program that rounds up to the .5, not by .5 or to the whole number. eg- 3.4 = 3.5 not 3.4 = 3.9 or 3.4 = 4.0 Basically, want to write ...
[2 replies] Last: Maybe this would do it. N<(floor(N)+ceil(N))/2 ? (floor(N)+ceil(N))... (by buffbill)
I need some help with this array!
I finally got this array set up but I need help modifying it to display the location (row & column) that the max number is in. Can anyone assist me with this? ...
[2 replies] Last: Your data resides in array Values , but you say you are passing array... (by buffbill)
Function for this
I have a basic program where you choose a number 0-9 and depending on what you choose you win money.. I know you can put this into an array, but could it be ea...
[3 replies] Last: you're absolutely right, buffbill. Modified original post to correct ... (by Disch)
Linked List
[no replies]
Problem drawing tiles in platform game
Hello, Im making a platform game for the learning experience, and im having a problem. The tiles are overlapping eachother by one pixel. Or at least that'...
[9 replies] Last: No, but i did find the answer! The problem wasnt that the tiles were b... (by nano511)
c++ stacks converting decimal to hexadecimal
Okay so all I need help with is the part where the remainder is 10-15 it outputs the number not the letter. I'm new with stacks and my teacher wants us to use t...
[no replies]
C++ Classes + Structs
Hi everyone, I'm working on an assignment for school and I'm having some troubles on where / how to start it. I was hoping I could get some input and ideas o...
[1 reply] : You will have to store the airplanes in an 'airplane' array, and the f... (by TheJJJunk)
Easy Question! (2 seconds) :)
int BMR(int persons_weight); { return(70 * ( persons_weight /static_cast<double> 2.2) ); } my error is "expected unqualified-id before '{' token".. i...
[4 replies] Last: ok Will Do. Thanks (by insane24illusions)
Output Error from trying to read in words from a file. What's wrong?
So my text file says this: I love you all day and all night forever and ever. In my code listed below, everything is compiling correctly, however when I go...
[8 replies] Last: I'd be happy to explain anything I post that you don't understand, how... (by cire)
by tmdm7
int and char being converted to ascii why??
For some reason when I store a char and an int into my struct it's storing the ascii value into the object. I can test with cout in the function where the inpu...
[2 replies] Last: I see. A stupid mistake on my part that I should have seen. Thanks I... (by tmdm7)
Function not Outputting Correctly.Need opinion. plz.
Program not outputting right Not sure why. Function outputs nan when it is supposed to be a number. This program is supposed to have a function definition ...
[5 replies] Last: lol ok Thank For Your Help. I think I figured it out. :) (by insane24illusions)
Need help.
Hello everyone, so i just finished reading "Beginning c++ through game programming" - Author: Mikel Dawson , and i've learned all the basics of c++ so i was jus...
[no replies]
New to C++ on MAC
Okay, I've used C++ on Windows, but never on MAC. now I'm using a Old Tiger Computer, and i have Xcode 2.4.1. I need to know how to use the <conio.h> library o...
[15 replies] Last: Good Bye (by closed account L3bkoG1T)
Simple 2 second question.
How would I write 6.673*10^-8 in code? It is a gravitational constant in one of my programs.. I have somewhat an idea on how to code it, but i'm not sure. I...
[3 replies] Last: Wow thanks you so much. References really help! I bookmarked them lol ... (by insane24illusions)
Monitoring a port in Windows and logging the traffic into a file
Hello, I have a little knowledge in c++ programming. Now I am in need of creating a program/service to monitor a port and log all the traffic(happening in it...
[1 reply] : There are many utilities already available, Wireshark is one such soft... (by srikanthk)
by pyfgcr
Use unsigned int range as bitset parameter
Hi everyone. I want to know how to use a very large number of bitset. A short version of my program: const unsigned int T=4294967296; //Greatest number of ...
[7 replies] Last: Ok true, the problem is unsigned int is 2^32 - 1. Thanks everyone for ... (by pyfgcr)
October 2012 Pages: 1... 3940414243... 50
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