by Tirana
take input
[no replies]
by sam1212
identifier not found?
[11 replies] Last: BTW, I believe your overtime calculation is incorrect. You're calcula... (by sam1212)
Program Help: Compiles but doesn't run right |
[1 reply] : Hello, The reason its not moving onto the next step is because the va... (by Tyler Hummel)
by ylxin1993
overloading operator puzzle: return *this, or temporary variable?
[4 replies] Last: TheIDeasMan wrote: When overloading, the arguments have to differ ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by oscott
Why won't this code compile?
[5 replies] Last: It's not about the array. Pasting the code to C::B gave a lot of error... (by maeriden)
by Vy C
Still learning :)
[3 replies] Last: #include <vector> #include <cstdlib> #include <time> using namespac... (by pogrady)
by Dega
Linked List Template Class Insertion
[8 replies] Last: Yah it can be done with a pointer to a pointer pretty easily, or if it... (by closed account o1vk4iN6)
need urgent help |
[2 replies] Last: easy just sort the array based on random something like bool f(){ ... (by rmxhaha)
by SMA01
Assert not working correctly?
[7 replies] Last: if your functions isn't void, you need to return a value; (by closed account 2wpSLyTq)
by mendozae
How to Make a dynamic memory that is contigeous
[7 replies] Last: I am aware that this is a C++ forum, and I am also aware that most C+... (by cire)
by rayray21
Help Please
[4 replies] Last: If you use that formula, you have to increment after the if statement,... (by BrentSpinor)
C++ Array help |
[4 replies] Last: i appreciate it (by closed account 2wpSLyTq)
by su li
help with switch!mine is not work it...
[2 replies] Last: u can cin to a string class object (by Aramil of Elixia)
by devanie
[no replies]
by Alx101
SDL 2.0 GL 3.3 no render
[3 replies] Last: It does no diffrerence, i still don't get any render. (by Alx101)
by SuperSonic
Problems with cin and GetAsyncKeyState()
[5 replies] Last: clear() will only clear cin's flags. I tried using ignore(), but it on... (by SuperSonic)
by rmxhaha
Memory Sizes
[4 replies] Last: There is probably some overhead with the dynamic allocation. It looks ... (by Peter87)
by rdp1408
Writing binary string to file in binary
[1 reply] : one character is one byte (8 bits). You could shove groups of 8 binary... (by strongdrink)
by jakeedge04
How To properly use Clear Screen?
[3 replies] Last: Perhaps you should tell us what exactly you want to see happen. (by Duthomhas)
by dalawh
Array as a parameter
[12 replies] Last: Correct. (by Duthomhas)