General C++ Programming - October 2012 (Page 11)

Advanced C++ May someone to comment what each line is trying to do generally
Advanced C++ May someone do comment what each line is trying to do generaly Why so many namespace definition, Why so many Template, Are they expensive and slo...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks is very knowledgeable, your explanation, just that I had a feel... (by omahdezavalos)
Polymorphic code question: follow-up
Two weeks ago I made a post on writing some basic polymorphic code, which can be seen here: I got some real...
[3 replies] Last: @statichazard Have you seen the example and exlanation on the wiki? ht... (by naraku9333)
Do hash variables exists in C++?
Now that I think about it this seems more of a beginner question but hey I'm here so whatever. Any how in PERL there is something called has variables. This ...
[3 replies] Last: I'm not sure how enums relate to associative array types. In C++, th... (by Duthomhas)
Need to learn c++ fast.
Well, my names Danny. I'm in wave robotics and i'm a programmer. WE switched to c++ and i need to lean it fast and well. I have 7 weeks until i have to be able ...
[4 replies] Last: I was in robotics too, and you do not need to learn C++ completely. Yo... (by NanoBytes)
Using upper and lowercase cases in a switch
So I have my program below, and everything is running smoothly on the program. The only problem is, I need to make it so that for each case within the switch, ...
[3 replies] Last: Another technique to keep in mind is the use of std::toupper or std... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Feyy
Abstract Class Problem
Bear with me, this issue is a bit difficult to explain I guess, it involves the following files: class Structure { // Abstract Class public: ...
[2 replies] Last: Wow.... ne555.... I should be banned for that :( No idea why I inheri... (by Feyy)
Automating Testing in c++
Well , i was thinking to automate process of testing manually our codes with testdata just like it would be done in compilers of servers. I can easily get runti...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks @andywestken a lot ! Yeah my o/s was windows , it works ! Thank... (by Maggi Iggam)
Dynamic inheritance. Is there a variable that is semi static?
Hi, This is for a game like Asteroids and is the only problem I havn't overcome so far. OK, so I have a class called ship which holds all the ship data but als...
[7 replies] Last: @doug Yes, you're right about memory, I've just made the programme so ... (by fidelity)
Hi everyone, I'm getting a linker error on the following code, can somebody help me here. #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; st...
[2 replies] Last: you are declaring a non-template function as a friend, but you are def... (by doug4)
by jrod
Adding Fractions using functions
I have to add two fractions and have the sum be simplified. Here is what I have so far. I can't figure it out at all...we have to use 5 functions including the ...
[1 reply] : Please put your code in code tags State what you specifically need... (by Need4Sleep)
Get integers from txt file and output into another?
I'm writing a program that gets all the even integers in a txt file and outputs it to another txt file. I'm having trouble figuring out what to do. Here's the c...
[6 replies] Last: I haven't learned how to use array. If I want to output to a new file,... (by rvbplayer123)
by Kart
Programming Languages are the same in different forms
Okay, so the basic things that enables me cook dinner have remain the same since ancient of days. The fire (may have now evolved to cooker, oven whatever but s...
[8 replies] Last: ->doug4 You are a STAR...thank you. (by Kart)
What does "warning: control reaches end of non-void function imply?
I keep getting this warning from CodeBlocks: warning: control reaches end of non-void function I was just the warning implying that non-v...
[3 replies] Last: Alright much thanks (by dtaqee88)
variable or field "MergeSort" declared void?
I am having trouble with this compiler error. If someone could help me fix it I would be grateful. main.cpp #include "MergeSort.h" #include <iostream> ...
[3 replies] Last: It looks like you forgot include the header in the cpp file. (by vlad from moscow)
by Farmek
Get files from directory
Hello i need to know how to get all the files from a directory :)
[1 reply] : C+... (by cire)
Radix sort implementation-Segmantation fault
I'm trying to implement Radix sort( I'm getting segmentation fault at line 74 in the code although i'm not trying to de...
[2 replies] Last: thank you ne555 the node *st was causing the problem as it's modificat... (by ankit2313)
by kennan
Developing a pseudocode
Hi. Am really having a trouble on starting up with the pseudocode from the statement below. Little help please A European boatyard has a scale of weekly moor...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks.. it does help (by kennan)
what's the difference between
I'm a new c++. 1. I don't know gcc, mingw, what's the difference, are these two different things? when I dowload mingw, I need to set the variable pah, but I ...
[6 replies] Last: Don't say 'I am a new c++'.say 'I'm new to C++' Heh, I didn't even ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by dcftci
generating random numbers
hi I'm trying to generate two different random numbers in the same function but it only generates one random number and assigns the same number to each differe...
[1 reply] : One thread per question, please. (by Moschops)
by su li
switch.i need to make a pgrmm using this function and have to test it for a given time .but it is not work it!why?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x,charge; float a,b,c,; cout<<"case 1<=2hours,case2<=3hours,case3<=4hours,case4<=5hours,case5>6...
[2 replies] Last: Write: float a,b,c; instead of float a,b,c,; ... (by Nabijon)
October 2012 Pages: 1... 910111213... 50
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