General C++ Programming - November 2018 (Page 2)

Functions (pass by value/pass by reference)
Hello, I'm having some issues with my program and I'm not entirely show on what is wrong. Guidance or tips on my program would be appreciated #include "pch....
[7 replies] Last: What would the functions be? Why would they be any different from th... (by MikeyBoy)
input output string type does not work in switch case statement
Hello all, please help solve this..i cannot make an input and output inside the switch cases statement.when i put the input output string type out of the switch...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you (by pka8659280)
Pause Screen
Hello All, When I run this code the results pop up for a split second and then disappear. How do I freeze the screen so i can see the results of my code? ...
[1 reply] : This is the topic stickied to the beginners forum: http://www.cpluspl... (by TheIdeasMan)
by bmmcc4
Data is Not Being Sorted With Bubble Sort
Hello, I'm still new to c++, about to finish first freshman semester at college. My Professor has asked us to write a program that takes in sides of a triangl...
[1 reply] : First of all, a consistent indentation style helps. https://en.wikiped... (by salem c)
by afleet
Using arrows to move an "o"
I am trying to create a snake game in C++ Microsoft Visual Studio. I have created it so that you can control where the snake moves using letters, but I would pr...
[4 replies] Last: You're welcome. :-) (by tpb)
zooming into Koch fractal
Hello friends, I have written a program which draws a Koch fractal. But it's very memory consuming. Each step of further depth level consumes four times more me...
[3 replies] Last: Let's say you have the normal Koch fractal (not full snowflake). _ -->... (by Ganado)
static array of pointers
Hi all, If someone would be kind enough to give me an example of removing an element from a static array of pointers which is pointing to a dynamic address w...
[1 reply] : what is a static array? I mean, you can do this static type* array ... (by jonnin)
not reading plus sign from stringstream
Hi guys, I am making a simple program to calculate the y value given x of a expression(y) anyway it seems like when I enter 5 x + 5 in as my y value it do...
[11 replies] Last: again the problem with needing a hasNext function, I cleaned the code... (by adam2016)
Class, String and Array
Please help me with this program, I missed 2 weeks of class due to an accident, so some concepts I can't just get, ABC College needs an online Registration s...
[2 replies] Last: Also here -> (by salem c)
help to use checkbox
hi, im new in this page, i need some help i learning about class , so im triyinhg to do a checkbox but doesn't works . or some one have a good class checkbox ...
[1 reply] : Welcome! what does not work? (this isnt a checkbox, which is little m... (by jonnin)
How to connect my scheme
Hello everyone, and many thanks to the one who is reading the post, my problem is as follows, I have some .cpp and .hpp files and I want them to connect with ea...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags. First, edit your post. Then highlight the CONT... (by doug4)
Windows timer
Hello everyone! I need to implement a multi platform timer. I implemented it on Linux using 'timer_create' and 'timer_settime' calls, but I do not know w...
[18 replies] Last: Hi JLBorges! Thanks again for your response. Your proposal is good, b... (by hebrerillo)
by ne555
¿have you considered asking a question?
[no replies]
Oregon trail - classes
I have been trying to make a Oregon trail game and need some help on reading/writing files to read milestone names and distances. These are the pieces of what I...
[no replies]
I need help with my project pleaseee!! it is due tomorrow and I have no idea what to do please help! You're to write a program that randomly fills th...
[1 reply] : that is a lot for them to assign this morning with only 1 day to do it... (by jonnin)
by oahz
How to make GUI for simple C++ game on linux
I have an idea to program a bot to play an alteration of the snake game. The only piece of knowledge that I'm missing to make this happen is how to bring this s...
[2 replies] Last: SFML: (by tpb)
Raffle for registered users
Good afternoon, I created a record of a lecture, it is ready, but I would like to put a lottery for some people who are registered ... I would like help in t...
[1 reply] : if the position is empty, draw again or create another list with th... (by ne555)
C++ translation from python
I wrote a port scanner in python years ago and i'd like to start using it in C++ i just dont know how i can translate it from python to C++ Python code : ...
[3 replies] Last: is this related to the other person's question or a new topic? I can'... (by jonnin)
Can't initialize variable from Qt framework
I've created a Qt Application with its default structure (a main.cpp file, as well as mainwindow.h, mainwindow.cpp and mainwindow.ui). The default public attri...
[9 replies] Last: First, Qt is not your problem (it just helps to reveal the issue). You... (by keskiverto)
How to solve in less than O(n2) where N=100000 (length of string) and time limit 1 Sec (1,2,3)
We have to find the product of the length of all substring of a given string such that substring formed is prefix to given string. Since the answer can be very ...
[42 replies] Last: Anyone near the solution? (by MyCreativityDiedWithEngg)
November 2018 Pages: 1234... 12
  Archived months: [oct2018] [dec2018]

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