by Satan
C++ Book recommendations?
[5 replies] Last: The ISO C++ site has some advice about learning the language in the fo... (by mbozzi)
by hacker9876
Tricky XOR
[2 replies] Last: xor itself is reversible. Do you understand that much? This is just ... (by jonnin)
by Mapler
Can malloc or the new operator be used to obtain random values?
[6 replies] Last: when I was in school, I colored a fractal for an assignment by using a... (by jonnin)
by waruqi
xmake v2.2.2, We can also manage package dependencies for C/C++
[no replies]
by Selmac
While loop problems
[1 reply] : You're closing the file at the end of the loop block. It should be aft... (by tpb)
by noshkren
Trouble with first part of my program
[1 reply] : Let's start small. What does this program print for you? #include ... (by Ganado)