General C++ Programming - November 2016 (Page 20)

Help fix a code- c language
Write a program to compute the current in an AC circuit that has three resistors R1, R2, and R3, in parallel. The voltage source is V. Test your solution with v...
[1 reply] : Integer division will truncate the fractional part, so if your expect ... (by integralfx)
need help for my assignment
You are working for a Bio-pharmaceutical company that is in the process of running trials on a new drug. The drug is to be used to help people combat severe pai...
[1 reply] : @qq83482260 Welcome to CPlusPlus forum. You are working for a Bio-ph... (by SakurasouBusters)
Help fixing function header
Hi there, pretty new to programming and I would appreciate if someone more experienced could give me some pointers on what to correct in my code. I'm getting a ...
[1 reply] : Well the issue is that getTrialElements returns type is of type void. ... (by rabster)
Min of an array (temperature)
Hi all, I have a program that lets the user enter the total rainfall for each of the 12 months, and then display the total rainfall for the year, the averag...
[1 reply] : And I'm really sorry with the formatting. This is my first time postin... (by wjeng001)
Create movement within a vector
Hi I am new to C++ and was wondering how to create movement of the "@" symbol within the vector. What I wanted the current code (shown below) to do is to insert...
[11 replies] Last: Yeah my visual studio is playing up a bit at the moment so I adjusted ... (by Jake123456)
The difficult code macro in unreal 4
#define UPROPERTY(...) #define UFUNCTION(...) #define USTRUCT(...) #define UMETA(...) #define UPARAM(...) #define UENUM(...) #define UDELEGATE(...) ...
[no replies]
Create a Vector of Base Class to Derived class Objects
Can someone will help me out to create a Vector of Base Class to Derived class Objects. For Example class Base{ } class Dervied: public Ba...
[no replies]
Help with 2D implementing array.
I'm working with inheritance right now, which I'm having no problem with. I have this vector of strings (basically a 2D array of char's). The exact middle is w...
[2 replies] Last: I believe I know what you want to do. To find the distance of the fish... (by tristan1333)
Hangman game giving multiple errors. Please HELP
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void PlayWordBot(); string secretPhrase(); string VisiblePhrase(string Secret); void Clearscreen(); string le...
[2 replies] Last: What @Phone98 said, but I read through your code and er... For the mos... (by tristan1333)
Memory scanner crashes
When i go to inject my dll into any process it crashes at the part where i push back the address of a unsigned char* to a vector<unsigned char*> object i got fr...
[4 replies] Last: > if ((mbi.AllocationProtect & dwProtectionMask) && ... Need to che... (by JLBorges)
Review: Long-Distance Calls
Hello, I am having trouble completing this code on Long_Distance Calls, i'll post the code i have done so far /*A long-distance carrier charges the follo...
[1 reply] : Use (a) a do-while loop to make sure that the user input hours and min... (by gunnerfunner)
I have a problem
Hello guys :) I have been busting my head with the following problem. If you could solve it for me it would be wonderful. Write a program that solves a line...
[1 reply] : @MasterPuf + Welcome to Cplusplus forum. + What problem do you have w... (by SakurasouBusters)
by slcue
value-returning function
Hello, I am very new to C++ programming. We are learning about value returning functions and the assignment is: Create the Following Menu in a loop so the m...
[1 reply] : I'm learning too and my advice to you is try to make the code as neat ... (by phone98)
by NICE8x
Program Won't Compile
We are given the header file with the RMEs and we have to write the functions for the class in the cpp file. I posted my specific questions at the bottom of th...
[9 replies] Last: [quote=NICE8x]Also do I need to use const with the get functions? You... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by KVin
can someone please check and assist me do this program ? its pretty cool
HI this is not for school just for fun it would be cool to make this work I want to impress my friends haha. Can you who ever reads this help I thought of the...
[4 replies] Last: if you ask them about the year they were born? so what are you trying ... (by M B)
Tutorial eg in C++
I have a question regarding the example covered in the section Classes (I) in the Tutorials of C++. Below is the example as given in the Tutorial and i have men...
[2 replies] Last: HOW CAN r BE ASSIGNED TO base WHEN BOTH ARE OF DIFFERENT TYPES ie. ba... (by helios)
Need help starting a C code.
Write a program to compute the current in an AC circuit that has three resistors R1, R2, and R3, in parallel. The voltage source is V. Test your solution with v...
[1 reply] : http://www.cp... (by doug4)
void functions
I've been working on this rocket program for a little while. I've seen that another person has posted the same assignment and the complete program has been prov...
[4 replies] Last: my bad I realize had had posted an earlier draft of the program ill ma... (by sbsheena)
exam sheet
please can someone help me with, a program to compute the result for a class of student each taking between 5 and 7 subject... The program should have the foll...
[1 reply] : Yeah sure we'd be happy to help. Just post what you've done so far and... (by gunnerfunner)
get(int index) function linked lists
Hello just want to find out if this code is right or can something change? template<class T> T LinkedList<T>::get(int index) const { Node<T>* node...
[1 reply] : Line 5,26: What's the purpose of nodeReturn? It's not used. Line 17... (by AbstractionAnon)
November 2016 Pages: 1... 181920212223
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